
Saturday, November 02, 2013

Govt will act against corrupt elements, assures Scott
By Moses Kuwema
Sat 05 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT Dr Guy Scott says action will be taken against corrupt elements in the government as soon as they are known. And Vice-President Scott says it is not all the nurses that have gone on strike.

Responding to Sikongo MMD member of parliament Mundia Ndalamei, who asked, during the Vice-President's question and answer session yesterday, what action would be taken against corrupt elements in government since the PF claimed to be allergic to corruption, Vice-President Scott said action would be taken as soon as the individuals were known.But later, Lubansenshi Independent member of parliament Patrick Mucheleka rose on a point of order and wondered whether the Vice-President was in order to mislead the House that action would be taken against corrupt elements in the government once they were known.

But Seputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mkhondo Lungu said he could not make a ruling on the point of order.
However, Lungu's statement attracted a sharp reaction from Mucheleka, who wondered why and this prompted Lungu to respond: "I could not make a ruling on that point of order, so what is the 'Ah! Ah!' for?

And responding to a question by Kalabo Central UPND member of Chinga Miyutu, who wanted to know what measures the government had put in place to mitigate the suffering of the people since nurses were on strike, Vice-President Scott said it was not all the nurses that were on strike.

"Negotiations are active at the moment between the government and the unions. Most of the nurses are going to work but negotiations are alive and they will continue over the weekend," he said.

And Vice-President Scott wondered why the members of parliament did not ask about his whereabouts on Tuesday but instead kept asking about the whereabouts of President Michael Sata.

Responding to Bwacha PF member of parliament Sydney Mushanga, who sought to know where President Sata was since the UN general assembly had ended, Vice-President Scott said it was irrelevant.

"I was missing from the House on Tuesday but nobody asked where I was. It is irrelevant and not your business," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice-President Scott said Africa's push for the UN Security Council seats would help the continent to have a say on important world matters.

Responding to a question from Chipili PF member of parliament Davies Mwila, who wanted to know the benefit that would come with President Sata's demand for Africa to have permanent seats on the UN Security Council, Vice-President Scott said the move would help Africa have a say on important matters.

"For example, when imposing sanctions on North Korea, you become part of the countries that are part of the resolutions. We will want to have a strong say in all these matters," said Vice-President Scott.

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