
Saturday, November 02, 2013

(HERALD ZW) Senior MDC-T officials call for Tsvangirai ouster:Mwonzora
October 10, 2013 Costa Mano Headlines, Top Stories
Lloyd Gumbo, Herald Reporter

SOME senior MDC-T officials have openly called for the ouster of Mr Morgan Tsvangirai, party spokesperson Mr Douglas Mwonzora has revealed. Addressing a press conference at the party headquarters in Harare this afternoon, Mr Mwonzora said there were divisions within the leadership on the subject.

“Yes there are people who have raised issues in the national executive, in the national council, at various forums,” said Mr Mwonzora in response to questions whether some officials raise the issue of leadership renewal at senior level.

“They have raised the issue about the need for leadership renewal. And there are other people who don’t think it’s a good idea and that we should remain with the leadership that we have.”

He said party officials were allowed to call for leadership renewal during party meetings.

While the white element within the MDC-T, among them, party treasurer Mr Roy Bennett, former Marondera Central legislator Mr Ian Kay and Bulawayo South legislator, Mr Edward Cross have been outspoken about the need for Mr Tsvangirai to step down, Mr Mwonzora said there were also blacks within the formation calling for leadership renewal.

He said Mr Bennett and Mr Kay jumped the gun by calling for Mr Tsvangirai’s ouster through the press.Mr Mwonzora said the national council, national executive and the standing committee resolved that the current leadership headed by Mr Tsvangirai would remain in place until the party’s elective congress set for 2016.

Mr Tsvangirai has reportedly expressed interests in representing the party at the 2018 harmonised elections after having lost consecutively to President Mugabe since the 2002 Presidential elections.Mr Mwonzora claimed there was no factionalism in the MDC-T saying having divergent views did not translate to factionalism.

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