
Saturday, November 02, 2013

KK endorses $2bn FQM's Sentinel Mine
By Staff Reporters
Wed 09 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

Dr Kenneth Kaunda has endorsed the $2 billion under-construction Sentinel Mine by First Quantum Minerals (FQM) at Kalumbila.

Dr Kaunda also joined the chorus of stakeholders calling for removal of any impediments to ensure that benefits from the single largest investment in Zambia quickly start flowing to Zambians in a significant and sustained fashion. The mine is 120 kilometres west of Solwezi in senior chief Musele's area.

"We have a massive opportunity through this investment by FQM to make Zambia more prosperous. I see young men and women, Zambians and visitors working tirelessly to make this mine a success. Therefore, every effort must be made to remove any impediments. This is the message I will be taking to President Michael Sata," said Dr Kaunda when he toured the construction site.

"I know President Sata. He is an excellent leader. He was my first Governor of Lusaka. So I know very well; he is going to act. I told him I was coming here, and I will go back and convey the impressive work going on here, and the urgent need to remove any hurdles."

Dr Kaunda's white handkerchief set the construction site into frenzy with scores of workers chanting "KK!". Keeping his tradition, he preached unity and love before leading all present into singing Tiyende Pamodzi.

Earlier, Kalumbila Minerals Limited (KML)assistant general manager Tristan Pascall said the development opportunity Sentinel Mine presented could be captured by the 3,000 direct jobs by the mine, and 10,000 indirect jobs while stimulating other sectors of the economy.

"For those the mine cannot employ, they will be gainfully employed. For example, if one was a farmer, Sentinel will make him abetter farmer. A fisherman will also become a good farmer," he said.

Sentinel Mine is expected to start production in the first quarter of 2014, producing 300,000 tonnes of copper per annum.

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