
Monday, November 04, 2013

PF confusion will end in days - Scott
By Moses Kuwema in Choma
Mon 14 Oct. 2013, 14:00 CAT

VICE-President Dr Guy Scott has assured PF members that the confusion that has characterised the party in Lusaka over the past weeks will end in the next few days.

And Vice-President Scott has told some chiefs from Southern Province not to be worried with the happenings in Lusaka, saying he and President Michael Sata were in control of the situation. And Daniel Munkombwe has urged party officials not to behave like con men.

Addressing party officials at Leon Guesthouse on Saturday, Vice-President Scott said the wrangles in PF were being addressed.
He said the PF had opted to remain with limited resources because it did not want to be in the pockets of big companies.

"This party has very limited resources. We have kept it that way. We don't want to be in the pockets of the big companies, the mining companies and so forth. Look at how rotten and corrupt MMD became doing that? We don't want to be in the pockets of people who have great interests. That is a thing that kills. It looks like food but in the end it is poison," he said.

Vice-President Scott said it was possible for the party to get some level of resources locally.

"But to think that in Lusaka there is a big kama-tree full of money, there is no such thing. The money comes from well-wishers, who supported us during the campaign and they continue to support us. Those are the people that we depend upon," he said.

And Vice-President Scott said the only way to win an election and continue winning elections was to be able to show people the achievements that had been scored.

He said the government had embarked on a number of developmental projects in Southern Province, adding that the tone of the complaints from people had since changed.

"Instead of complaining that you have brought nothing, they say you have brought too little. The people have seen the works that we have done. It is mostly hard because to convince people who have a big tribal bloc that has its own tradition of having its own party is a difficult thing to simply persuade people. You have this tradition in this part of the country and we, for our part in Lusaka, we have to make sure that we don't alienate you. We don't say this PF is for people other than people in the south, so it is a balancing act; we have to do it. We have to avoid allegations of tribalism, allegations of regionalism. I think we are getting there," said Vice-President Scott.

And Munkombwe urged party officials not to behave like con men.

"Can we be cool all of us and we will not punish anybody except those who were saying 'Munkombwe was exhumed from the graveyard to come and lead; therefore I don't recognise him'. Don't behave like con men. Don't be gangsters hired to insult people. Let us organise the party and allow elections to come. If a Bemba wins, let us support that person," he said.

Munkombwe said he was not weak and that people who wanted to fight him would end up fighting themselves.

"Let us build the party. I offer myself to help. If I change the face of Southern Province in terms of politics, you are not the ones who are winning; it is me again the legendary. Don't make me retire early, help me to grow the party. I am not a rich person but comfortable. I can help, provided there is a programme drawn," he said.

Munkombwe said in politics, there was need for one to have influence, adding that he had influence in PF.

And speaking when he launched the Cooma chiefdom development strategic plan 2013-2017, Vice-President Scott hoped that all the members of parliament from Southern Province would make use of Munkombwe to develop the area."

He (Munkombwe) likes to be with the party in power and I will urge all members of parliament, including Cornelius Mweetwa, to work with us. There is nothing to campaign for now. Let us get the job done," said Vice-President Scott, with Choma Central UPND member of parliament Mweetwa as his interpreter.

Vice-President Scott said the strategic plan was a great idea.
And speaking when he paid a courtesy call on chief Singani at his palace, Vice-President Scott, in an apparent reference to the wrangles in the PF said: "Don't be worried with what you are hearing from Lusaka. Mr Sata and I are not going to leave it just like that. And Munkombwe said there was need to avoid being a passenger in politics."

He added: "I love Mweetwa. Mweetwa, I am not in competition with you. You can use me anytime as long as you don't bring your politics to me and I will not do the same. The PF is not an infection, so let us work together for the good of the people."

And Mweetwa said the increase in population in Choma had resulted in the hospital being overstretched.

Mweetwa also appealed to Vice-President Scott to intervene and ensure that farmers are paid for the maize they delivered to the Food Reserve Agency.

He said the farmers delivered maize to the FRA four months ago but had not been paid.

Mweetwa also said the Cooma chiefdom development strategic plan had made his work as member of parliament easy because all the developmental challenges that the constituency was faced with had been highlighted in the plan and that the only thing remaining was funding.

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