
Monday, November 04, 2013

Revamping of cattle breeding centres begins in N/W Province
By Moses Kuwema and Tilyenji Mwanza
Fri 11 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT Guy Scott on Wednesday sent some members of parliament into laughter when he said that the type of cattle to be found at breeding centres in North Western Province would be four-legged.

This was during questions for oral answer in which Mwinilunga UPND member of parliament Stephen Katuka asked whether the government had any plans of establishing more cattle-breeding centres in North-Western Province.

Vice-President Scott, who was answering the question on behalf of agriculture minister Robert Sichinga, said the government would only establish more cattle breeding centres in North Western Province when the two existing ones become operational.

Mapatizya UPND member of parliament Clive Miyanda then asked what type of cattle would be stocked in the yet-to-be-established breeding centres, to which Vice-President Scott responded: "the four-legged ones", sending members into laughter.

However, after sometime, Keembe MMD member of parliament Lt Gen Ronnie Shikapwasha rose on a point of order, seeking to know if the Vice-President was in order to state that the type of cattle to be stocked in the breeding centres would be four-legged when it was obvious that cattle had four legs.

In his ruling, Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini urged Vice-President Scott to offer plain answers to the questioners.

And Vice-President Scott said the government had already started revamping the Kanyama and Chihundu breeding centres.

He said the government had stocked Kanyama Centre in Mwinilunga with 170 cattle as a way of restoring the breeding centre.

Vice-President Scott said chiefs Kanongesha and Kapijimpanga had already identified land where the cattle breeding centres would be constructed.

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