
Saturday, November 02, 2013

Sata surrounded by people who are not genuine - Luonde
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Mon 07 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

FR Richard Luonde says it is unfortunate that President Michael Sata is surrounded by people who are not genuine and did not struggle with him when he was in opposition.

Commenting on the statement by chief Matanda of Mansa district that he had reservations about some of the people that were surrounding President Sata, Fr Luonde, who is Open Society Foundation (OSF) board chairperson, said there was a lot of cheating in the PF at the moment.

"Yes, chief Matanda was very right to say that because when PF formed government, I came out and advised them to be careful with the people to take on board. People struggled to change government because they wanted things in terms of governance to change in the country," Fr Luonde said.

"People wanted to see a new breed of leaders rising in 2011. But we are now seeing so many people crossing over to the PF; people who do not even understand the PF's manifesto. They have not even read it."

He said most people who had joined the PF were only interested in serving their pockets and not the ordinary Zambians.

"Just look at what is happening in the country today. Those that are resigning from the PF have already started insulting the party," Fr Luonde said.

"They have forgotten that that is the same government that was giving them fuel, salaries and other things. Some people are even rising against Wynter Kabimba… instead of just finding proper ways of resolving the matter."

He said those that risked with President Sata when he was in opposition were still wallowing in 'political' poverty.

Fr Luonde said it was surprising that only a few people in government were talking about the unprecedented development that the country had witnessed in the two years that PF had been in power.

"These are the same people who will leave the PF when another party comes into power. But they should not take things for granted because the PF is still in power, and they should not think that what the PF has done can be done by another party," said Fr Luonde.

Speaking recently when Vice-President Dr Guy Scott paid a courtesy call on him at his palace, chief Matanda said he supports President Sata but has a problem with some of the people surrounding him.

"I was instrumental in the change of government from the MMD. I support President Sata but I have reservations with the people he is working with and some people surrounding him because they do not share his vision for this country," said chief Matanda.

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