
Sunday, December 01, 2013

(ANN GARRISON) AfrobeatRadio guests: Al Shabaab and Somali pirates created by international piracy and military force
Submitted by Ann Garrison on Thu, 01/19/2012 - 15:03

WBAI AfrobeatRadio on Somalia, with journalist/Icc Broadcasting Network host Hassan Isilow and University of Minnesota Professor Abdi Samatar

Hassan Isilow, Journalist and radio host for Icc Broadcasting, a gobal Islamic network

On 11.26.2011, we spoke to Professor Abdi Samatar and journalist Hassan Isilow, following that week's news, reported by Democracy Now, the Daily Maverick and other outlets, that U.S. ally Ethiopia had once again invaded Somalia across Somalia's Western border backed up by the ongoing U.S. drone bombing from U.S. military bases in the region. The Telegraph reported, on November 15th, that Israel is supporting the Kenyan invasion of Somalia across its southern border.

This week's Somalia news included:

1) Hunger, homelessness, and the Somali refugee population, continue to grow.

2) Six Somali refugees died, burned to death by the Kenyan Army in Kenya.

3) Six Somalis, including an aid worker and a security guard, died in a suicide bomb blast at a refugee camp in Somalia's capital Mogadishu.

4) The BBC reported that oil drilling has begun in Somalia's Puntland State, which may have up to 4 billion barrels of oil.
University of Minnesota Geography Professor Abdi Samatar

The fundamentals of the Somali crisis discussed on AfrobeatRadio in November remain the same. Abdi Samatar said, and Hassan Isilow agreed that international forces imposing a political project on Somalia, plus the Ethiopian occupation, produced Al-Shabaab and "the Somali pirates." Abdi Samatar said that the biggest pirates off the Somali coast are the international fishing fleets who have stolen billions of dollars worth of fish from the mouths of the Somali people, and Hassan Isilow said that local piracy had also arisen in response to foreign ships dumping toxic waste off the Somali Coast.

Abdi Samatar said, "I think what our audience needs to know is that there was a great deal of hope about the coming of the Obama Administration to power. And many of us worked for him . . . The tragedy is that this Administration has done more damage than even the Bush Administration overseas, especially in Somalia."

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