
Monday, December 30, 2013

DRC conflict a concern to Zambia - Kabimba
By Roy Habaalu
Wed 06 Nov. 2013, 14:01 CAT

JUSTICE minister Wynter Kabimba says Zambia is an active participant in the objectives aimed at finding a lasting solution to problems in the Great Lakes Region, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Speaking on arrival at Oliver Tambo International Airport in South Africa on Monday, Kabimba who represented President Michael Sata at the one-day International conference on Great Lakes Region Heads of State summit, said Zambia was particularly concerned on the conflict in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

He said the resultant problems from the conflict were evident from the influx of refugees, social disorder and negation of economic development in the region and beyond.

Kabimba said the continued fighting in the DRC adversely affected Zambia and other neighboring countries.

He said Zambia was interested in seeing that the conflicts on the African continent were resolved.

"That is why we have been very active participants in the efforts to ensure the conflict comes to an end so that we promote economic integration in the region and subsequently prosperity," said Kabimba.

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