
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Govt committed to job creation - Sata
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Sat 19 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says the government attaches great importance to employment creation as the topmost strategy for ensuring the stability of society and overall growth of the economy.

And President Sata says the economy has so far created more than 326,480 jobs since the PF took office. He said the construction of road infrastructure would open up the country for increased trade and investment opportunities, thus creating more jobs.

"Under the Link Zambia 8,000, which has seen 1,500 km being constructed under phase 1 and the L400, which has progressed significantly with over 150 km of roads to be completed by the end of this year, a total of 16,457 people mainly youths have been employed on road projects throughout the country as follows: Lusaka 2,976, Central 1,173, Copperbelt 1,587, Eastern 1,540, Luapula 1,819, Muchinga 2,366, Northern 1,973, North Western 578, Southern 1,132 and Western Province 1,313," the President said in a statement issued by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah yesterday.

President Sata said under the Pave Zambia 2,000 programme, work had commenced in Lusaka's Chawama compound and Petauke in Eastern Province.
He implored the Road Development Agency to accelerate implementation of this programme in all the provinces in order to create more job opportunities for the youths.

President Sata also said the government plans to rehabilitate over 1,300 kilometres of the core feeder road network countrywide.

"So far, the economy has created more than 326,480 jobs since the Patriotic Front PF took office as follows: arts and entertainment 174,052, tourism 44,292, services 31,336, electricity, gas and water 27,369, construction roads 16,457, education 10,099, finance and banking 5,521, community, social and personal 4,329, health 3,127, agriculture, forestry and fishing 3,185, transport and communication 3,625 and other 3,088 jobs," he said.

President Sata reaffirmed his government's commitment to creating a better Zambia for all in line with the PF manifesto.

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