
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Infighting destroying PF, warns Mpundu
By Tilyenji Mwanza
Wed 23 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

ARCHBISHOP of Lusaka Telesphore Mpundu says PF will crumble if they continue fighting.

"For any house to stand, to stand strong, they need to work together. And if they continue fighting, PF will crumble. Unity is the cornerstone of any house," said Archbishop Mpundu in reference to the PF wrangles, in which one group is calling for the removal of their secretary general Wynter Kabimba his position.

Archbishop Mpundu implored all politicians to walk the talk of a Christian nation. He said politicians should emulate the Catholic Church which encompasses all races.

"Look at the Catholic Church, we welcome all and are the mother of all churches. Go to all corners of the world you will find the Catholic Church. The Catholics are all over, consisting of all races. We may differ from pigment or even tribe, but we are one and it is this unity that has made us stand strong," he said.

Archbishop Mpundu called for an end to the infighting in the PF.

He said it was not right that the leaders were fighting each other when they were supposed to be shepherds that guide the nation.

He said the leaders in PF needed to work together and guide Zambia in harmony.

"Humanity is one, we may differ in pigmentation or tribe, but we need to stand as one to grow and develop," he said.

Archbishop Mpundu said President Michael Sata was right in calling for reconciliation among party members as the fights being experienced were very unfortunate for a Christian nation.

"We call ourselves a Christian nation, but what is Christianity if we are fighting each other based on tribal barriers? Humanity is one and we have always rightfully shouted 'One Zambia, One Nation' and now a party which is meant to be one is fighting! No, no, no," he said.
Archbishop Mpundu also called on politicians to respect each other and uphold human rights.

"Human rights are actually not created by government but by God and deserve to be upheld," he said.

Archbishop Mpundu said the current tribal fights were deterring what pioneer freedom fighters fought for.

"People like KK fought for unity and it is sad to see their work go in vain. We are going backwards if we want to start fighting each other based on tribal lines. We are all one; we are a race of humanity," said Archbishop Mpundu.

Recently, there have been calls by some senior PF officials for President Sata to remove Kabimba as secretary general.
But Kabimba said that there was a clique of tribal elements that was sponsoring anarchy in the PF.

And Vice-President Dr Guy Scott also said there was some element of tribal prejudice at work in the calls for Kabimba to resign.
But finance minister Alexander Chikwanda said government was deeply concerned with recent media reports attributed in some cases, to senior government officials alleging that there was the practice of tribalism in PF and in government.

"It is indisputable that Zambia's biggest asset is its peace and unity and that all its people live in harmony. In fact, Zambia's natural unity is its fortress, and anyone attempting to bring disunity based on tribe or ethnic grouping is strongly frowned upon. Therefore, the careless talk about tribalism is dangerous, regrettable and only serves to sow seeds of disunity. The talk is counter-productive to the well-being of the country and must be curbed immediately," stated Chikwanda.

"We must emphasise that the recent happenings in the Patriotic Front are purely internal debate and the normal practice of internal democracy. The political differences in the PF party will be resolved using established channels and its internal grievance handling process," he added.

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