
Monday, December 30, 2013

It isn't PF campaign strategy to dish out cash - Chilangwa
By Prince Chibawah and Godfrey Chikumbi in Mansa
Sun 10 Nov. 2013, 14:00 CAT

HOME affairs deputy minister Nixon Chilangwa says it is not the PF's campaign strategy to dish out cash and handouts to woo voters in the Mansa Central Constituency by-election.

The UPND, FDD, UNIP, MMD and the ruling PF are contesting the Mansa Central parliamentary by-election scheduled for November 22. The by-election resulted from the death of area member of parliament Kennedy Sakeni.

During a rally in Katangwe area, Chilangwa who is also Luapula Province PF chairperson and Mansa Central campaign manager advised voters in Mansa Central to be vigilant and vote for the PF candidate, Dr Chitalu Chilufya, without accepting money saying it was the only way to make him accountable to his promises.

He said the people of Mansa Central constituency should vote for Dr Chilufya because of the party's development agenda.

"We want you to vote for Dr Chilufya based on what development he intends to deliver in the constituency," Chilangwa said.

He further said giving out goods during campaigns was not planned for by the party, as the practice would be a source of corruption.

"PF has not planned or allocated resources to give the electorates during the campaign. They are, therefore, expected to vote for our candidate on an account of developing the area.

PF is a corrupt-free party and so we believe in democracy and transparency where we ask people to make their decision, and not to influence them with money just because we want a vote from them," he added.

Chilangwa said the PF believes in the rule of law saying it was, therefore, its mandate to abide by the Electoral Code of Conduct.

"No one is above the law. We always try to abide by the Electoral Code of Conduct. We will never engage in activities that would result in nullification of any of our seats countrywide," said Chilangwa.

And PF member of the Central Committee Rasford Chipolo Mwale said the party was having an easy campaign because it adopted the right candidate for the area.

"It had always been your request that we have Dr Chilufya adopted as our candidate. And since we did...this has made us to experience an easy campaign because wherever we go to campaign, people are saying the same thing that you all want Dr Chilufya as your MP," said Mwale.

And Dr Chilufya assured residents of Mansa constituency of delivering tangible development if elected as member of parliament.

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