
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Lungu complains Post picture portrayed him as drunk
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 22 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

HOME affairs minister Edgar Lungu says The Post front page picture published on Sunday, showing him attending a church service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka, was in bad taste because it portrayed him as being drunk.

Speaking to PF suporters and Matero constituency chairman Morgan Ngona at the entrance to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross shortly after the inter-denominational thanks giving service to commemorate the 49th independence anniversary and launch of the 2014 golden jubilee commemoration, Lungu who is PF disciplinary committee chairperson accused The Post of having an agenda to tarnish his image.

The picture showed Lungu conferring with labour minister Fackson Shamenda during the memoral service for Mama Betty Kaunda at the Cathedral in Lusaka on Saturday.

Lungu said The Post deliberately used a picture that portrayed him as a drunkard.

"They (The Post) have an agenda but I don't blame them. They looked for a picture…looked for an angle were I looked drunk. Yesterday (Saturday) I did not even drink. This one (Robert Chikwelete) knows when I am drunk, teifyofine? (isn't it?)," Lungu asked as Chikwelete nodded his head in affirmation.

"Elo ilya day, nshanwinepo nobwalwa (that day I didn't drink beer). Mukose bane mwilatina pakulanda (Colleagues be strong. Don't fear when speaking out)," Lungu told cadres that surrounded him as he waited for his official car at the entrance to the Cathedral.

Lungu, who was in a jovial mood while waiting to be picked, said his driver was not active.

"Kanonga waku Chawama. Driver wandi alishipula…wakuma constituency uku kumbifye. (Unless he was from Chawama constituency. My driver is docile…he's from these other constituencies.) Chikwelete oyee, oyee," said Lungu while lifting his fist when parting company with Chikwelete and party cadres.

Just after Lungu left, traffic officers controlling traffic looked shocked.

Some where heard saying; "nicani kansi ababantu ai' (What's wrong with these people).

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