
Monday, December 30, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai-led MDC finished: Sikhala
06/11/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE MDC formation led by Morgan Tsvangirai - the party which has troubled president Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF for more than a decade - has crested and will now only go down, MDC99 leader Job Sikhala claimed Wednesday.

Speaking at a press conference in Harare where he announced his MDC99 was joining the newly formed NCA party, Sikhala said he was part of the team that founded the MDC knew how the organisation was run.

“Some of us know that thing; we are the founders of it and we know how it is run. We know that it has reached its end. So it is imperative that we take a different political route,” he said.

Sikhala said he had decided to join hands with the NCA because they shared the same ideology.

He also moved to emphasise his differences with the two MDC formations.

“In terms of ideology of course there are quite a number of things that we differ. I don’t want to talk about Morgan Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube; those are my former colleagues that I worked with,” Sikhala said.

Sikhala accused the two MDCs of singing from the same hymn book adding that, during the term of the coalition government, they were in total agreement with Zanu PF, a party they “were fighting since 1999”.

“Unfortunately it came to haunt them at the recent elections,” he said.

The formers St Mary’s legislator said he would not attend the planned MDC founders’ convention.

“When they were in the inclusive government enjoying crumbs falling from king Nebuchadnezzar’s table they never thought about inviting us to a convention,” he said.

“They were having their convention with Mugabe and today because they are in trouble they want now a convention; for what purpose, and for what reason at all?
“They must go and have their convention with Mugabe (Arthur) Mutambara and (Welshman) Ncube.”

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