
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Nsanda maligned Sata - Kabimba
By Roy Habaalu in Livingstone and Tilyenji Mwanza in Lusaka
Mon 28 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba says it is interesting that the same people who last week reported to the police that he was training a militia are the ones that fabricated documents in the past that President Michael Sata was a foreigner from Tanzania.

And in apparent reference to Willie Nsanda, Kabimba, who is PF secretary general, says the same people that today wan t to claim to be more loyal to the President are the ones that mobilised thugs to beat President Sata in Kitwe in 2001.

In 2001, Nsanda had claimed that President Sata was not Zambian but from Tanzania.

Nsanda said President Sata's middle name was not Chilufya, but Zondwa, whose parents had merely migrated to Zambia.

And on November 10, 2001, about 50 MMD cadres commandeered by Nsanda, invaded the Catholic-owned Radio Icengelo in Kitwe, disrupting a live interview featuring President Sata, who was opposition leader then.
The then Radio Icengelo station manager Fr Frank Bwalya, who is now an opposition leader, told the Zambia Independent Media Association (ZIMA) that the incident took place as President Sata, who until one month earlier was a minister in the MMD government, was being interviewed about his party and its vision.

The invasion resulted in the abrupt ending of the interview which President Sata had paid for.

Fr Bwalya said about 30 of the cadres forced their way into the studios, damaging studio doors and tearing down the curtains, before assaulting the announcer, Kunda Kunda, as well as President Sata and broadcaster Rose Chumpuka.

"They overpowered the guard at the main gate, forced their way into the main studio and roughed up the announcer before bundling him together with Mr Sata and Miss Chumpuka, who were also beaten," Fr Bwalya said then.

This was the second incident involving President Sata and Nsanda at Radio Icengelo.

On October 6, 2001, Nsanda again, who had been chosen by the MMD as a parliamentary candidate, disrupted another political broadcast by President Sata.

Nsanda was apparently incensed by President Sata's attacks against the MMD.

And last week, Nsanda and Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba were implicated in a scheme to frame Kabimba with organising youths into a militia group.
Nsanda is said to have taken the list of 30 youths to police headquarters in Lusaka on Tuesday evening to report that they were militias for Kabimba.

He is alleged to have gone with three people, out of the 30, to confess that Kabimba recruited them and that they resigned on October 18.
When reminded about his past actions, Nsanda accused Post editor Fred M'membe of having a personal agenda against him.

Nsanda said he started going for PF campaigns even when he was under MMD as a member of parliament. He said he did not rush to PF when the party had become popular.

"He knows where I was in 2006. I was in the campaign. He knows where I was even when Mwanawasa died. My office has not even changed. It is still the same pa Farmers House. Ba Kabimba baishile tusanga muno. Ba Given Lubinda ba tusangile muno. Now, why me? I was made a minister for one day. I did not apply. Ba mudala we used to move together. I would have told him, I wanted to be a minister," he said, without addressing his earlier questioning of President Sata's nationality and the disruption of radio programmes.

Nsanda said PF had no chairperson during the earlier campaigns and the party would sometimes use his girlfriend at rallies as chairlady.
Nsanda said the earlier PF campaigns had very few dedicated people such as Miles Sampa.

But Kabimba said those fighting him would not manage to bring him down because he's on the side of God.

Kabimba said those fighting him would be the first to shun President Sata if he lost power.

Addressing party officials and members at Courtyard Hotel in Livingstone on Saturday, Kabimba said his enemies had failed to bring him down because he was on the right side of the argument with God.
He said becoming secretary general had taught him a lot of things.
Kabimba said his philosophy in politics was to serve the people of Zambia.

"I am innocent. There is nothing they will do to me because I am innocent. What's interesting is that the same people went to the police, saying I have a militia. They are the same people that were fabricating documents that President Sata was a foreigner from Tanzania, they are the same people that today want to claim to be more loyal to the President. Today, the same people that mobilised thugs to beat President Sata in Kitwe have become more loyal to the man than me. That's how the party is being infiltrated by men and women with evil ideas," Kabimba said.

"How can I be the one to destroy an organisation that I worked for so much? How can it be? I want to say to you that events that you saw in Livingstone were not isolated events. They were sponsored and orchestrated by those who think I have become an enemy of a party I helped build. I have heard that now they have paid people to go round confessing that they are organising the Fourth Republic party for Wynter Kabimba. They have paid people to speak through the tapes and take them to the authority and say 'this is what Wynter Kabimba is doing'," he said.

Kabimba said when President Sata stopped his endorsement as sole candidate, the same group paid people to endorse him.
He said "the same devils" were working against the interests of the party.

Kabimba said there was more to be done and said against him.

"They are not sleeping; and why they are not sleeping, I have no idea. But they are scheming every day.

What makes me sad is that today, I am your enemy as secretary general. That's what's making me sad. These are the same people that have eaten in every regime. They ate in Levy and were speaking against President Sata. When they were with Chiluba, they were speaking against President Sata and when he came into power they are with him to eat. If President Sata will not be in power, I don't know when that would be, they will move to another political party.

That's what they are used to. It's not about service to the people of Zambia.

It's about eating and as long as they can eat, there's no moral principle that guides them. I am the last person to be President Sata's enemy. I am the last person to be an enemy of PF. We are not related. What binds us together is our common values. Because I trust him (President Sata), he trusts me. And I have served under him honestly," he said.

Kabimba said all his employment life had been with President Sata.

"He knows me more than my biological father. He has shaped me, so they are talking to him about a person he knows very well...because of their evil intentions. I will not relent," he said.

Kabimba said he was happy that the party in Livingstone had shunned demonstrations against him.

He said the sponsored demonstrations were done by evil men and women with intentions to destroy the party.

Kabimba said party officials refused to be paid to participate in demonstrations.

He said K28,000 was paid to some members in Livingstone to denounce him.

Kabimba said most people refused to accept the money because they knew he had done nothing wrong.

He said at no time in history had evil defeated the truth.
Kabimba said even people that killed Jesus Christ were wrong in thinking he was gone forever because he was the truth.

"Why these evil men and women don't like me is because I stand for the truth and I will never bend even if it means losing my life. Those of you that resisted that crusade stood for the truth and I have no apologies to make. If I succumbed to those lies, this party who have died. I commend you for having taken the stance to protect the party.

Nobody belongs to me in this party. I have no people in this party. I only have colleagues. Anyone here can become a secretary general. There's nothing special about me. It's just that now I am the one serving," he said.

Kabimba said he did not know how things he said came to pass.
He said President Sata needed support as the founding president of PF.
Kabimba said President Sata was a torchbearer and visionary of the party, and the rest could only follow.

"Forget about the coffins you saw. Those were my critics. My mother was annoyed that people were carrying my coffin when I am alive. You can imagine the pain my parents went through. I told them 'don't worry, I now belong to a larger family'," Kabimba said.

Meanwhile, Kabimba said he did not join PF to become secretary general or vice-president but to serve the people of Zambia.

He said he was ready to serve the country in any capacity.

Kabimba said the same people fighting him accused him of breaking the PF/UPND pact because he wanted to become vice-president.

"People within PF and UPND and the country at large fought and misunderstood me that I was in this for a position. When the pact collapsed, the blame was apportioned to me that I had destroyed the pact to become vice-president when PF wins. God will be on my side because I am on the right side with God all the time; that's my philosophy. As God would have wanted to prove my critics wrong as people were sharing positions, I offered myself that I didn't want to serve in government.

It was my personal decision because I didn't want the party to die. I opted to continue serving the party with no pay," said Kabimba.

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