
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Police Summon Kamba
By Roy Habaalu
Wed 13 Nov. 2013, 14:01 CAT

Lusaka Province PF youth chairman Kennedy Kamba has been summoned by police in connection with the death of a party cadre following an intra-party clash last Thursday. Kamba said in an interview yesterday that he had been summoned to appear at Lusaka Central Police without fail.

"Yes, they (police) want me. I have been summoned to appear at Lusaka Central Police Station at 13:30 hours tomorrow (today). They didn't say why they want me but I am informed it's in relation with the death of our dear brother Moses Simuwela," said Kamba.

Kamba said he would cooperate with the police so that the truth was told. PF Gerry Chanda ward vice-chairman Musonda Sichone named Innocent Kalimashi and Eddie Gowa as the people that led the group which killed Simuwela.

Sichone, in a statement to inspector Mulambia at Chelstone Police Station, said Kalimashi and Gowa blocked their (Sichone's) Rosa minibus with other smaller buses after mounting a checkpoint to screen those that were proceeding to the airport before police officers took control of the situation.

"At this point he (Gowa) had ordered his people to beat us using machetes, stones, knobkerries and sticks so we were running for our lives. We scampered in all directions for safety and never regrouped. The target was those wearing T-shirts and after realising some people were not seen, we thought they had been detained...," said Sichone.

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