
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Senanga induna urges Kabimba to be firm
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Sat 19 Oct. 2013, 14:00 CAT

A TRADITIONAL leader from Western Province says justice minister Wynter Kabimba should not be intimidated but stick to his guns in his pursuit to expose corrupt individuals within the government.

Mulikelela Sitali, who is Induna Mabebo under chief Mbindawina's area in Itufa sub-district of Senanga, said in an interview in Ndola on Thursday that instead of being hounded out of the Patriotic Front, Kabimba should be given a chance to prove that some government ministers were corrupt.

He said Zambians were tired of corruption, especially that many people that had misappropriated public funds have had no action taken against them by the government.

"So as Zambians, we want the government to give Kabimba an open space to talk about the people who are corrupt. Then the government can take a step. Now to discipline Kabimba or to expel him and people demonstrating against him, this shows the government or PF leadership is hiding something. Kabimba is innocent until proved guilty. If he fails to prove his allegations, then the party will take the action," said Sitali.

"There are a lot of things in this government. How many auditors' reports have revealed that money has been misappropriated? What has the government done to discipline those people who are siphoning public funds into their personal pockets? That is also corruption. I am urging you Kabimba, as a man, don't relent or don't ever be intimidated. Stick to your guns and prove to the Zambian people that what you said was right or wrong."

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