
Monday, December 16, 2013

War in PF over - Scott
By Ernest Chanda, Namatama Mundia and Prince Chibawa in Mansa
Sun 03 Nov. 2013, 14:00 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT Dr Guy Scott says no one will chase Wynter Kabimba, himself or President Michael Sata from the party, "we are here to stay and that's final". And Dr Scott says the 'war' in the Patriotic Front was over.

Featuring on Radio Yangeni in Mansa yesterday before he addressed two public rallies, Dr Scott said he was not worried about beginners in the party who thought they could take over power using money.

"I know Michael Sata very well, in 20 years we have traveled on the same vehicle, we have slept in the same guest houses, we drove across the country together and exchanged many, many words. So, I'm one of the better judges of Michael Sata around," he said.

"And I don't know him as well as his wife knows him about so on and so forth, but I know him pretty well. And I'm not at all worried there're some beginners, some amateurs who think that with cartons of money you can change the balance of power."

And when asked whether the wrangles in the party were over now, Dr Scott answered in the affirmative.

"I think so, I've been very confident throughout. And I think that confidence is paying up. What's going on in the Patriotic Front obviously is that there has been an attempt to disrupt it or to change the balance of power in the party. And that attempt has basically failed. People sometimes continue fighting a war when it's over because they don't know it's over," Dr Scott said.

"But it's over, if you read The Post this (Saturday) morning you will find apologies from Mr Chikwelete; a letter to me, a letter to Wynter Kabimba saying 'I'm sorry for everything'. Certain key people have been removed; there is really no need to talk about these things because they are internal matters.

And in Bemba people say kwapa tacila kubeya (a subordinate cannot be more powerful than his superior). So, you take Michael Sata as a shoulder that you could ride on top if you wanted. And everything is as far as I'm concerned back to normal."

Dr Scott praised PF members in Luapula Province for not participating in the wrangles.

He said they had displayed a mature way of handling internal differences by keeping quiet.

Asked to mention the people that were causing wrangles in the party, Dr Scott declined, saying he did not want to wake up sleeping dogs.

Dr Scott said there had been a group of senior PF officials whose aim was to distabilise the intra-democracy of the party.

He said it was unfortunate for some party officials to start challenging President Sata and Kabimba prematurely.

"President Sata has suffered for the PF party for over 22 years. And some people, they thought they could commence challenging him prematurely," he said.
And Dr Scott said majority Zambians would vote for the PF based on the tangible development and not mere promises.

He said it had been witnessed in the past two years that the PF government was determined to develop the country within the planned time frame.

"Our developmental agenda is clear. We want to deliver massive economic development to all parts of the country. Come 2016, there will be less talk in terms of campaign because the people will be judging on the development to be delivered," Dr Scott said.

He said the government had committed to addressing high levels of unemployment.
Dr Scott said much consideration was made to invest more in infrastructure development which had potential to create more job opportunities.

"Our key priority is to address the high leaves of unemployment especially among the youth. And this is the major factor contributing to high levels of poverty not only here in Zambia but in most African countries including South Africa," he said.

Dr Scott added that other areas of developmental focus were in agriculture, health and education.

"Agriculture is our top priority area on the PF developmental agenda. For example, here in Luapula Province, this year, the Food Reserve Agency has paid farmers over K72 million, remaining only with K2 million," he said.

Dr Scott further said the government was also in the process of revamping the Mununshi banana scheme in Mwense district and the Kawambwa tea estate.

He said that it was for that reason that people of Mansa Central Constituency should vote for PF candidate Dr Chitalu Chilufya in the November 22 parliamentary by-election.

"You need to vote for Dr Chilufya so that he can continue implementing the developmental agenda which has been set for this area," added Dr Scott.

And Chipili Constituency member of parliament Davies Mwila revealed that the government had secured land for the construction of University of Luapula and that the funds had been allocated in the 2014 national budget.

"The government is also in the process to construct Mwense Technical College in a bid to make tertiary education accessible in all the areas," said Mwila.

And Mansa Central Constituency PF candidate Dr Chitalu Chilufya who featured on the same programme, said the party had a developmental agenda which should be carried on.

" The vision is very clear for all to see. We are focusing on education, health, water and sanitation, agriculture, road infrastructure and job creation," said Dr Chilufya.

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