
Monday, February 10, 2014

Create jobs to end violence, Kyambalesa urges govt
By Misheck Wangwe
Thu 21 Nov. 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE fact that some political cadres are readily available to be used in violence on a regular basis attests to the unprecedented lack of employment in the country, says Professor Henry Kyambalesa.

In a statement released on Tuesday, Prof Kyambalesa, a US-based Zambian academician, said political hooliganism would be entrenched in the country's democratic institutions if the PF leadership fails to show serious commitment to addressing the levels of violence among its members.

He stated that it was important for the PF government to make a more serious effort in bolstering the creation of jobs in the country.
Prof Kyambalesa stated that politics should not create divisions amongst the people to an extent of battering each other during campaigns, and whenever there were differences in opinion over intra-party politics.

"We should avoid acting savagely towards one another. And we need to pray for one another, and for our beloved country," Prof Kyambalesa stated.

He stated that there was need to work towards the creation of jobs that would easily be facilitated through lower taxes and interest rates designed to stimulate investment, consumption and savings by pouring more financial resources into the small business sector.

Prof Kyambalesa stated that political alignments, tribal identities, religious convictions, and professional affiliations must be put aside for people to work together as a nation.

He stated that there was need for every Zambian to learn to engage in politics without physically assaulting others, or threatening violence.

"Let's preoccupy ourselves with issues seriously affecting the nation such as unemployment. We need to avoid violence and remember that we are Zambians, in spite of the different political parties we belong to, the 73 different tribes to which we belong, the different languages we speak, or the different politicians we support within or outside our political parties," Prof Kyambalesa stated.

He stated that the real enemy of the country was not individuals but poverty, illiteracy, disease, widespread unemployment, crime, corruption and moral decay.

Prof Kyambalesa stated that Zambia continues to face a catalogue of serious socio-economic woes in areas such as the health care system that is yet to meet the basic needs of the majority of citizens, a critical shortage of decent public housing that has compelled many people to live in shanty townships nationwide as well as the lack of access to clean water and electricity, among many other ills.

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