
Monday, February 10, 2014

Limata implores civil servants to protect govt
By Angela Kabamba in Mongu
Wed 20 Nov. 2013, 14:00 CAT

WESTERN Province minister Josephine Limata has implored civil servants in the province to be loyal to the government of the day and desist from being involved in active politics.

And Limata says she is happy with the progress made on the K353 million 11 kilometre Limulunga road works and a bridge constructed by the government.

Speaking on Saturday when she addressed newly recruited civil servants for Limulunga district during her familiarisation tour of the district, Limata who is also Luampa MMD member of parliament, said civil servants need to be loyal to the government of the day.

"When you are a civil servant, what is your job? Your job is to protect the government of the day, you are not here to start tarnishing the name of the President, to engage yourselves in politics where you are not even part of that, leave politicians alone, you are a civil servant and have to be loyal to the government," she said.

"When I was in Sikingo the other day, I was telling your colleagues that here in Zambia, we only have one President who is running this country, those others are presidents in their party organs not republican Presidents, other people can mislead you. So, follow the footsteps of the government of the day. If you want to engage in politics, resign and join me as a politician."

Limata said she would not tolerate any senior officers harassing juniors at their respective work places in the province, saying there was need for civil servants to respect each other in discharging their duties.

"All of you are getting money from the coffers of the government under the leadership of Michael Chilufya Sata, you are not getting money from anyone not even from my own pocket. I'm not the one paying you, so respect your bosses. Bosses also, respect your juniors. There are some senior officers who even a cup you have to call your office orderly or messenger to come and give you. That person was not employed to be harassed or being a servant in your home, they have been employed to come and serve the government, not your personal assignments," she said.

Limata noted that President Sata had a vision for the province and wanted to uplift its standards, hence the initiative of creating nine new districts.

"People had been laughing at us that we are the poorest province in the entire country, but today no one can point a finger to say Western Province is poor, now someone is dreaming to say PF has not done anything in the two years it has been in power. Don't you have eyes to see and ears to hear, people have been employed and government has created new districts. This is a working government and for the first time in the history of Zambia," she said.

"And for those of you coming from outside this province to work here; here, it is 'One Zambia One Nation' no matter where you are coming from, count yourself to be part of this province, you are a son and daughter of Western Province."

After a meeting with civil servants, Limata proceeded to Ushaa, the proposed site for Limulunga district administration offices where she met with stakeholders and the community at Kaate Primary School.

Limata assured the people she addressed that money for the construction of the new district offices was available and the government would start the works as soon as possible. She said the process had delayed because of the plan and demarcations for the district, adding that once the Ministry of Lands and stakeholders finalise the procedure, works would commence.

Limata, however, challenged Limulunga district commissioner Litambo Ndombo to ensure that all the 96 civil servants that had been posted to the district shift as soon as possible.

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