
Monday, February 10, 2014

(LUSAKATIMES) Over 100 Nakonde farmers demand FRA payment
Time Posted: November 28, 2013 12:20 pm

Livestock and fisheries Minister Bradford Machila checking on quality of maize for FRA at ATZ plant in kafue 2

Over one hundred small scale farmers have stormed the office of Nakonde district commissioner James Singoyi demanding immediate payment of money for the maize they supplied to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA).

The district commissioner told Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Chinsali in a telephone interview today that over 100 small scale farmers stormed his office this morning demanding the immediate payment of their dues.

FRA owes small scale farmers in Nakonde in Muchinga province about K5 million.

Mr. Singoyi said the small scale farmers have vowed not to leave his office until they are paid their money.

” They have camped at my office and they are saying that they will only leave after receiving their dues,” said Mr. Singoyi.

He said that the small scale farmers have complained that delays in paying them their dues have affected their plan for farming activities.

Mr. Singoyi said that FRA had promised to pay the farmers in Nakonde by yesterday adding that a check at the local bank this morning revealed that money to pay the farmers is not yet in the bank.

The district commissioner has since appealed to the FRA to expedite the payments and ensure that the small scale farmers get their dues as soon as possible.


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