
Friday, March 28, 2014

Handouts bad for people - Milanzi

By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sun 22 Dec. 2013, 14:00 CAT

KACHERE Development Programme director Father Dennis Milanzi says handouts have negative repercussions on the people.

Officiating at a KDP training workshop on agro forestry and conservation agriculture in senior chief Nzamane's Chipungo area on Wednesday, Fr Milanzi who is also Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia vicar-general, said it was unfortunate that some people do not work hard and only depend on handouts.

He said KDP would empower people in its operational area for them to become self reliant.
Fr Milanzi said there was need for people to embark on a behaviour change in agriculture.

He encouraged people to embrace conservation agriculture.
Fr Milanzi said people should change their attitude towards trees, adding that humans have contributed to the change of climate.

"I know that up to now, we are complaining about the delay of the rains, but somehow we have contributed to this delay. We have destroyed trees and this has contributed to the climate change that we experience today. You will be given tree seedlings by KDP and you are expected to plant these trees that are currently on the nursery," he said.

Fr Milanzi also informed the people about the programmes that KDP would embark on next year with support from donors.

He said people should bear in mind that development could only be done by the people who need it.

And Leniah Nyirenda of Chifuniro Women Project who also attended the workshop said many people had learnt the importance of trees after attending the two-day workshop which ended yesterday.

Nyirenda appealed to KDP to continue training the local people in various areas.

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