
Monday, March 24, 2014

Mandela's death should unite Zambians - Rupiah
By Masuzyo Chakwe and Kabanda Chulu
Sun 08 Dec. 2013, 14:00 CAT

RUPIAH Banda says he hopes Nelson Mandela's death will help to unite all Zambians as that would be the best way of honouring the departed leader who united all South Africans when he assumed the country's presidency.

And Banda described the late anti-apartheid icon and former South African president as a great leader who taught humanity the virtue of forgiveness.

Writing in a book of condolences at the South African High Commission in Lusaka's Kabulonga area on Friday, former president Banda said Mandela had taught the world priceless lessons on the commitment to the emancipation of humanity.

"President Mandela, the great son of South Africa, Africa and the world, you have left us with many lessons to learn such as commitment to the freedom of humanity. You influenced many of us to struggle and to suffer," read part of Banda's message according to a statement issued by his deputy administrative assistant Kennedy Limwanya.

Banda arrived at the South African High Commission offices just before 14:00 hours and was first to sign the book of condolences in memory of the global icon, who was jailed for 27 years and released in 1990 before becoming South Africa's first black president in the country's first democratic elections in 1994.

Banda was the governor of the city of Lusaka when Mandela visited Zambia in 1990, days after being released from prison.

Meanwhile, UNIP vice-president Njekwa Anamela said there was need for all people to embrace humility and other values that Mandela promoted in the quest to serve humanity.

In his message of condolences on Mandela's passing, Anamela described 'Madiba' as an indomitable freedom fighter and a true champion of human freedom, dignity and justice.

"He lived for the sake of others. His thirst for a free and democratic South Africa saw him and his comrades incarcerated in prison for 27 years," Anamela said. "But this did not diminish his spirit, commitment and dedication to serve the ANC and his fellow South Africans towards achieving a free, independent and democratic South Africa. Beyond South Africa he symbolizes values, principles and courage that turned him into a global icon."

He said Mandela was a friend to all oppressed people around the world.
"He gave hope to those who were struggling for freedom, change and transformation for their societies to achieve human progress and fulfillment. We need to embrace this humility and many other values that Mandela promoted as we aspire to serve people," said Anamela.

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