
Monday, March 24, 2014

Mwape bemoans poor utilisation of CDF
By Brina Siwale in Mazabuka
Sun 08 Dec. 2013, 14:00 CAT

COMMON Cause Zambia says it is disappointed with the mismanagement and poor utilisation of public funds meant for development in different constituencies in the country. And Common Cause Zambia has urged the media to take an interest in monitoring projects being implemented using public resources.

In an interview after a media workshop in Mazabuka, Common Cause Zambia executive director Susan Mwape said many Zambians were being deprived of the meaningful development due to abuse of public resources.

"As a people, we are trading on a tight-rope in terms of the different funds that we have. We are trying to make headways in the right direction but I think there are a lot of challenges in the management and utilisation of the different funds that we have, such as the Constituency Development Funds and Youth Development Fund, among others," Mwape said.

"We have these funds that are supposed to add up to something developmental and something that would work for this country, but if you look at the disbursement, management and utilisation processes of funds, there are a lot of gaps."

She said there was need for the government to be more serious on how it disbursed the CDF because most of the funds were being mismanaged.

"There is a lot that needs to be done. The issue of monitoring of the projects is another serious challenge. We have heard of people who have accessed public funds for certain projects but the works are shoddy and unacceptable. In the end, we invest a lot of money in projects that did not even make any value," Mwape said.

She said the media could help in ensuring that the funds were used prudently by monitoring the projects.

"The media can help by reporting on these projects and keeping a close eye on the different projects. There is need to ensure that there is transparency and accountability in the use of public funds," said Mwape.

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