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(NEWZIMBABWE) Pardon Makamba, Chinotimba urges Mugabe
05/12/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

ZANU PF legislator, Joseph Chinotimba on Wednesday urged President Robert Mugabe to pardon James Makamba and allow the exiled businessman to return home.

Although other rumours are associated with his exile, Makamba left the country in 2005 after being charged with violating the country's exchange control regulations.

Speaking in Parliament, Chinotimba said Mugabe could use his presidential powers to allow the businessman and former Zanu PF Central Committee member and MP to return and help contribute the national development.

However Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa said there was nothing stopping Makamba from returning home.
He urged Chinotimba to pass on the message if he knew the businessman’s exact whereabouts.

“It is true what the honourable member has said that President Mugabe is a kind-hearted person but he has also never chased anyone from the country,” said Mnangagwa.

“If there is anyone who is outside the country then it is that person who knows the reason why they are outside. Maybe the honourable member (Chinotimba) may get in touch with him since he knows his whereabouts and find out why he is away.

“Zimbabwe is a peaceful country and everyone is welcome to come but if there is something wrong he (Makamba) did then maybe he would be afraid to come but it will be only him who knows that.”

Makamba skipped bail and fled the country while being prosecuted him on charges of allegedly externalising £3,7 million, US$2,1 million and R15 million.
The former ZBC disc jockey has interests in telecommunications, retail, mining and consultancy.

He led the local consortium which was awarded a licence to establish Telecel Zimbabwe, now the country’s second largest mobile telecoms company.

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