
Monday, March 10, 2014

Sata must deal with current plunderers - APNAC
By Allan Mulenga
Fri 06 Dec. 2013, 14:01 CAT

CORNELIUS Mweetwa says President Michael Sata should deal with plunderers in the PF for people to take him seriously on his commitment to fight corruption.

Commenting on President Sata's statement that his government will ensure the efficient functioning of all anti-corruption structures and systems, including forfeiture of ill-gotten wealth and blacklisting of individuals involved in the plunder of public resources, Mweetwa, who is African Parliamentarians' Network Against Corruption Zambia chapter president, accused President Sata of remaining "mute" on the current plunderers in the government.

"You cannot take Mr Sata serious for what he says because I was actually wondering what things he was talking about when he said he wants to up the fight against corruption. His own secretary general Wynter Kabimba has come out in the open. I believe that what honourable Wynter Kabimba has done is an honourable thing to come out in the open and say here where we are in PF, we are entrenched in corruption," he said. "There are corrupt elements; ministers and leaders are preoccupied with registering companies and corruptly awarding themselves tenders or contracts, and also they are spending a lot of tax payers' money flying around."

Mweetwa said President Sata could only be taken serious if he deals with senior government officials allegedly being involved in corrupt practices.

"To date, President Sata has remained mute on those issues. So, how can he talk about plunderers when he is mute about the current plunderers? Which plunderers is he talking about, if he cannot comment about the plunderers that the Minister of Justice has been saying are in PF? So, until he deals with the question of his plunderers who are in PF that honourable Kabimba is talking about, we are not going to take him serious," said Mweetwa.

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