
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Zambians must unite to remove treacherous PF - Bwalya
By Henry Sinyangwe
Wed 11 Dec. 2013, 14:01 CAT

ZAMBIA may never recover from the consequences of bad governance and mediocre leadership if Patriotic Front remains in power beyond 2016, says Frank Bwalya.

Bwalya, the president of the Aliance for Better Zambia, stated that there was need for a united political front to save Zambia from a regime that he alleged had become dishonest, corrupt, nepotistic, lazy and notoriously wasteful.

"Therefore, we call upon all Zambians to unite behind a political alliance that should remove the treacherous PF in 2016 and immediately start a programme of real transformation of our society. This transformation should prioritise enactment of a people-driven constitution that would contain the known popular provisions that Zambians want in the new constitution," Bwalya stated.

He stated that the new dispensation after 2016 should prioritise strengthening state institutions to guarantee the rule of law and entrenchment of the multiparty democratic culture.

"These reforms are indispensable for accelerated social and economic development," Bwalya stated.

He stated that it had become clear that PF had betrayed the trust and confidence of the people, who gave them the mandate in 2011.
Bwalya stated that the PF had abrogated the key terms on which Zambians voted for them, including delivering a new and people-driven constitution.

"What is shocking for many of us who campaigned and voted for PF is that the manner in which they have broken their promises speaks of a kind of dishonesty characteristic of crooks. Metaphorically, we can say PF sold Zambians a bag of kapenta but it turned out that the bag was full useless leaves with only a bit of kapenta spread on top of the bag," he stated.

"This is why many Zambians who voted for President Sata and his PF are saying 'banatigong'a'".

Bwalya said he was prepared to sacrifice anything to make a meaningful contribution to the realisation of the dream of a new Zambia governed by patriotic servant-leaders.

"I urge all Zambians to emulate Nelson Mandela by pledging to make personal sacrifices to rescue our country from a rotten regime and build a new Zambia for our children and their children."

Asked if he had in mind political parties that should unite, Bwalya said Zambians must first unite and political parties should be used to achieve the goals the PF had failed to achieve

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