
Saturday, April 12, 2014

I would have been rotten without Dr. Kaseba, Sata

By Roy Habaalu
Wed 25 Dec. 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says he would have been rotten and dead without his wife Dr Christine Kaseba. During the season of jubilee, christmass, thanksgiving and encouragement at which he invited senior citizens for lunch at State House, President Sata paid glowing tribute to first lady Dr Kaseba.

"This girl you have seen here without her probably by now I would have been rotten. I would have died a long time ago. And this youngman (Grey Zulu) you have seen here was my boss, he was secretary general of the United National Independence Party (UNIP); without him there would be no Zambia. His brother (Dr Kenneth Kaunda is not here. Is the secretary general of the party here? Mr Wynter! Secretary general has not been feeling well… We are the only country with a female Chief Justice, that's why there's a lot of justice in the judiciary," President Sata said.

He said Dr Kaseba worked very hard to offer the senior citizens an opportunity to interact with the first family because doing so was not easy at State House

"I have asked the first lady because she can easily organise people to organise all the children in all the provinces so that they can come and also see State House. Biblically, 50 years is a year of restitution and as we gravitate towards the golden jubilee, we must show appreciation to God and celebrate with thanksgiving, reconciliation, good deeds and love and compassion for one another. We must all take deep reflection on our country's achievement so far and keep on praying for God's favour and guidance in the years to come. Let's always remember that it is His divine intervention that has made it possible for us to continue enjoying peace and stability since the birth of our country in 1964," he said.

President Sata said he was a less privileged person who had benefited from the education of the first lady.

"You see, me I am very less privileged, that young girl (Dr Kaseba) she's very young, educated, but she still looked after me the under privileged. There, where she is, she's a medical doctor but she goes and gets a salaula (second hand) like me. Me I have someone who sings for me every day and she sings all the music from all churches and I don't know where she learnt the music. She has even confused Gerald (President Sata's last born son)," he said.

In his Christmass message, President Sata appreciated the role the Church played in interceding for peace and unity in the nation.
President Sata said the Christian faith reminded people that God chose the poor and those whose lives were not secure in order to serve the world.

He urged Zambians to exhibit love, care compassion for the vulnerable and less privileged.

"Let's draw inspiration for the life of our Lord Jesus Christ by extending good will and love to the needy like me. As Christians, we must accept our unique vocation to care for the less privileged; it's both our treasure and service to the world. Let me take this opportunity to recognise and appreciate the role of our senior citizens have played in the life of our nation. The values that these brave and determined men and women, some of whom are here with us today, fought and sacrificed to make Zambia what it is today. Our message to you all our senior citizens is that your selflessness and commitment to the building of the great nation will always be engraved in our hearts.

This country requires another generation with similar virtues if prosperity is to be granted. Let me urge the Zambian people to celebrate responsibly in order to minimise fatalities and human suffering during this festive season. Of course, Christmas is a period of jubilation and family reunion but we must all find time to express gratitude to God, reflect and act in accordance with the purpose of Christmas," President Sata said.

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