
Saturday, April 12, 2014

North PF wants GBM disciplined
By Roy Habaalu and Allan Mulenga
Fri 27 Dec. 2013, 14:01 CAT

THE PF in Northern Province has called for disciplinary action against former defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba. But Mwamba says he will not succumb to party members calling for his expulsion and disciplinary action against him.

PF Northern Province treasurer Chomba Chipili said Mwamba's marriage of convenience with the party to suit his business interests must come to an end. He said the provincial executive committee would take disciplinary action against Mwamba for breaching the oath of secrecy and that of the party.

"This warning goes further to warn any members sympathising with him that should they in the process breach our party rules, they shall equally meet the same fate," Chipili said.

"It is sad that as soon as the people started to forget him for his actions of bad taste and faith previously, he now further has started to ridicule the President over the Bemba Royal Establishment, claiming that the President has not done enough to resolve it. We are aware that Mr Mwamba, being one of the most senior members in Cabinet, was party and privy to discussions that formed an opinion on the Bemba Royal Establishment and we realise that it is all out of greed that he has turned around now."

Chipili wondered why Mwamba had only realised that Henry Sosala was his grandfather soon after meeting him.

"We the executive recall how President Michael Sata pleaded with the northerners to vote for GBM and made him kneel down before the people to ask for forgiveness for his wrongs when he was patronising the MMD and took away his milling plant from Kasama because the people had rejected the MMD. He fooled the people of Kasama with fake promises, yet all he wanted was to get himself richer and now that he has made enough money, his true colours are being exposed," he said.

Chipili said Mwamba's greed could not be tolerated and urged him to resign as member of parliament if he was a political giant.

And commenting on calls by some PF members for him to leave the party, Mwamba, who is commonly known as GBM, said only President Sata would decide his fate.

"Is it me who have made them not to have money? Riches come with wisdom. I am not going anywhere. I am imitating my friend Wynter Kabimba. I have not done any wrong in the party, I just resigned. Is resigning a wrongdoing?" he wondered.

Mwamba said he would not succumb to pressure and leave the party.

"I am not leaving the party. Where can I go to? I'm principled. I was hated by Levy Mwanawasa because I invited President Sata to my child's wedding. They said, 'why have you invited him?' I said, 'blood is thicker than water... then I will remain'. Now the President Sata who I defended, should he say I should go? No one will separate me from the family. The way the President has kept Kabimba, that is how he is going to keep me," he said.

Mwamba said he would not be defeated by those calling for his expulsion, claiming that he had many supporters countywide.

"I am enjoying life in will continue ranting. Elyoicawama ca kuti nalikwata ama supporters. Te mukasama mweka ni country yonse. Bani abakanukula. Filya fine bacitile pali Wynter naine ifyo bakacita. It is good that I have a lot of supporters not only in Kasama but countrywide. No one will hound me out of the party. The way the President has handled the Kabimba issue, that is how he will deal with mine," he said.

Mwamba said his political career had not been derailed by the turn of events.

"My political career has not be affected in any manner. Today you are saying that GBM is finished, but if it was God's wish that I will become a president, it will happen. Politics is good when you are doing what your electorate want, but politics are bad if you are doing vice-versa," he said.

And Mwamba said those calling for his expulsion had been hired.
"People calling for my resignation have just been hired. And I even know the person who has hired them. The President is clever; the way he has kept Kabimba, that is how he will keep me. The people have not rejected me, those have just been hired," he said.

Mwamba said he would meet with his enemies on the political battlefield.

"I am a very principled human being and I will continue being that. We will meet in the field. I am real man. I have got people behind me," said Mwamba.

"Bushe ba Davies Mwila ebo twingalalanda nabo whether in my private life, they are not my capacity. They are not my match. I have a lot of supporters. We are meeting in the political battlefield. Just wait."

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