
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ACC dancing to the tune of govts - Sondashi
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 03 Feb. 2014, 14:01 CAT

FORUM for Democratic Alternatives president Dr Ludwig Sondashi says government policies have been determining the operations of the Anti-Corruption Commission.

In an interview, Dr Sondashi said much as the ACC had been trying its best to work, the policies of government were determining how far they execute their mandate.

"The ACC is constituted of human beings. It should be realised that these people have worked under different governments, the Frederick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa, Rupiah Banda and President Michael Sata. All these governments have had different policies. ACC has been dancing to the tune of these different governments. When they have a government which is fighting corruption, they also perform but when there is a government which does not stand firmly against corruption, they also become weakened," Dr Sondashi said.

He said the ACC did not perform well during the Banda and Chiluba regimes because the two governments were pro-corruption.

Dr Sondashi, however, said the ACC appeared to be working in President Sata's government because the head of state speaks against corruption.

"But I am afraid that his henchmen are not against corruption and if it goes on like this, the ACC will be weakened," he said.

Dr Sondashi said his party was of the view that the powers of the President should be reduced because it was the head of state who determined whether the ACC becomes weak or stronger.

He said the ACC was capable of carrying out investigations as they had demonstrated in the past.

"Where they are handicapped, they can seek help from other security organs, provided we empower them with more money so that they can beef up their operations," said Dr Sondashi.

And on Saturday, African Parliamentarians Against Corruption (APNAC) Zambia chapter chairperson Cornelius Mweetwa said the ACC had remained static since its establishment in 1982 despite the scope of corrupt activities growing.

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