
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

(HERALD ZW) MDC-T official in sanctions U-turn

January 14, 2014
Herald Reporter

MDC-T national executive member Mr Chalton Hwende has acknowledged that illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the West are comprehensive, contrary to claims by his party that the embargo targets Zanu-PF officials and entities linked to the revolutionary party. Mr Hwende posted on his Facebook account last Friday that he had been a victim of the illegal sanctions.

“The Western countries must be serious, I just became a victim of what is supposed to be targeted measures against (President) Robert Mugabe and his inner circle. Wanted to pay application fees for a Cde who is applying to study in Europe with my Zimbabwean Visa card but could not find an option to select Zimbabwe under Countries??????”

Mr Hwende yesterday confirmed originating the post but refused to comment further, saying he was not authorised to speak to the media.
Those who reacted to Mr Hwende’s post slammed MDC-T for inviting sanctions on the country.

Boaz Mangamiso urged Mr Hwende to join Zanu-PF on a full-time basis while Tadious Nhereko said: “Those are sanctions against a nation, they do hurt every one.”

Aaron Mbudzilettes Mbudzirume chipped in with “Zidera do kill” while Nyatsimba Mutota Mwenemutapa teased Mr Hwende saying:“I thought you said there are no sanctions against Zimbabwe.”

A Zanu-PF official, Cde Tafadzwa Musarara, also commented on the post.
“So you see Hwende, your unfortunate incident really buttresses our point in Zanu-PF that sanctions are not targeted.

“They even affect some Western allies like yourselves. Until iPad 4, Zimbabweans could not sign in on iTunes. Many other examples to give. Icho!,” he said.

Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation journalist Chris Chivhinge said: “That is how ‘’smart’’ the sanctions are. But if they are what they are, then welcome to the ‘inner circle’ Cde Chalton Hwende.”

There were others who sang from a different hymn like Joy Mabenge.
“That one my brother Hwende is a pure business decision taken by the respective bank based on the country (Zimbabwe’s) scoring on risk assessment. It has nothing to do with restrictive measures.

“Hyperinflation and the disappearance of a stable exchange regime made it difficult for Zim to be integrated into the international monetary system through paperless transactions.

“Financial and economic instability increases transaction risk and may lead to irrecoverable losses! Introduction of multi-currency has not fully resolved this challenge,” he said.

In 2011, The United States Treasury Department blocked the transfer of US$30 000 to Chinhoyi Municipality by a United Kingdom-based couple saying Zimbabwe was under sanctions.

Mr Brian Hopper and his wife – who have business interests in Zimbabwe – intended to buy plots at Strathcona Farm in Chinhoyi and made arrangements to pay for them through a transfer from HSBC Bank Plc.

They made a transfer application on December 13, 2010 for the release of the money but it was turned down by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control.

In the same year, a US-based company denied a Chinhoyi University student computer software that she wanted to use for her studies because Zimbabwe was under sanctions.

A few years ago, Africa University indicated it had problems getting certain software and programs from Microsoft because the US government sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Zimbabweans cannot open accounts with PayPal – an online payments facility incorporating some 100 million individuals and companies – while in Zimbabwe.

PayPal says the US Treasury advised them not to open accounts for Zimbabweans in Zimbabwe. Zanu-PF says sanctions have cost Zimbabwe’s economy more than US$40 billion to date.

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