
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

(LUSAKATIMES) Elias Chipimo Snr warns of an Imminent Revolution
Time Posted: January 11, 2014 1:24 pm

Former Freedom Fighter Elias Chipimo Snr has warned that growing levels of discontent among citizens might spark a revolution in Zambia soon.

Mr. Chipimo who is Father to NAREP President Elias Chipimo Jnr said there is a lot of tension in the country due to discontent among citizens.

Mr. Chipimo Snr, a former diplomat who was once imprisoned on treason charges by the Kaunda regime said the PF government should start listening to its citizens.

“A revolution is coming soon in this country because people are totally upset and the government is not listening. People are being intimidated everywhere and are not free to express themselves,” Mr Chipimo Snr said.

He added, “Wherever people get upset and that anger is allowed to be bottled up, that always sparks a revolution and I can see that happening here if the government does not start listening to its people.”

Mr Chipimo Snr was speaking Friday morning during a live special interview on Hot FM’s Red Hot Breakfast Show in Lusaka.

He further charged that Zambia has lacked the inspiration with which it was founded upon in 1964.

“It’s like people are no longer free. When we fought the white minority rule, we fought so that we could be free to speak but today if one says something that the government is not happy about, they are arrested. This is not the freedom we fought for,” he said.

Mr Chipimo Snr also explained that Chumbu Munshololwa does not amount to an insult.

“I’m surprised that somebody is taken to court for calling someone Chumbu Munshololwa. This is not defamatory at all. It simply means one who cannot be advised.”

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