
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

(MALAWI VOICE) Angry Thyolo Farmers Want Whites Off The Estates…March To Police
Written By: Malawi Voice on January 15, 2014.

Hundred of farmers from Thyolo district today marched to the police station where they presented a petition which demanded that all the white estate owners should hand over the land to black Malawians.

Before presenting the petition to Thyolo police, the angry farmers marched on white-owned farmlands, initially with pangas and bulks of trees.

tea“We demand that these white estate owners should off our land or the president should intervene by equitably distribute these lands, so that we should also benefit,” said the leader of the group Joseph Mwitere, calling themselves Peoples’ Land Organisation, adding “We will take law into our hands, if government fails to act within two weeks.”

Officer-Incharge for Thyolo Police a Mr. Chalera confirmed of the development saying the farmers presented the petition after misunderstanding arose with the estate owners.

“What happened was that, these farmers encroached some tea-estates, so when the estate owners hit back, they became angry hence coming here.”

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