
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

(NEWZIMBABWE) Make or break meeting for MDC-T
30/01/2014 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

OPPOSITION MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai's political future faces a stern test Friday when his party's national executive meets to discuss a call by a top official for his resignation.

Reports Thursday indicated growing fissures in the party with provinces being stampeded into resolutions in support of the veteran trade unionist.

"They failed to get Harare province to make a decision on the issue of an early congress while in Mashonaland West the decision was that the party should go to an early congress to resolve the leadership crisis," an insider said.

The MDC-T was thrown into turmoil last week after deputy treasurer General Elton Mangoma wrote a damning letter to Tsvangirai calling on the former Prime Minister to resign.

Tsvangirai was also reportedly offered a $3 million golden handshake to leave the a party he has led for no less than 15 years since formation in 1999.

Biggie Haurovi the Mashonaland West provincial spokesperson confirmed the unanimous decision to allow succession debate in the party.

"These issues are being discussed at the top but we welcome debate of any kind,” Haurovi said.

“We agreed that Mangoma is allowed to speak his mind as long as it's within the party and that the necessary party structures should decide on the issue of an early congress.”

In Harare provincial chairman, Paul Madzore chaired a stormy meeting also attended by deputy secretary general Tapiwa Mashakada as well as organising secretary Nelson Chamisa at which no resolutions were made.

Madzore refused to comment only quipping: "Talk to the party spokesperson I am not qualified to speak on those matters his (spokesperson’s) name is Douglas Mwonzora.”

A disappointed Chamisa reportedly walked out in a huff while former Harare chairperson Morgan Femai resorted to name calling.

"He (Chamisa) was saying Mangoma should have gone to Parliament to represent the disabled and not real people as well as other unprintable words" said the source.

Mangoma has confirmed he has been threatened with violence.
But Tsvangirai's spokesperson Luke Tamborinyoka said his boss had moved quickly to defuse growing tensions.

“Tsvangirai is a democrat who moved in quickly and quelled down tempers. He lives democracy and does not only speak about it,” said Tamborinyoka.

Chitungwiza province has also made a resolution to support Mangoma who is now reportedly fronting a group calling itself the renewal team.
Mangoma had, by last night, reportedly nominated former Makoni South legislator Pishayi Muchauraya as spokesperson.

Said Muchauraya: "I can confirm that I will be speaking on behalf of Mangoma from now on. We are aware that Tsvangirai will use coercion to force people into making resolutions in support of him.

“We are aware Chitungwiza and Mashonaland West province voted in favour of an early congress but Harare could not. Now Tsvangirai will be attending provincial councils which is irregular people must be allowed to express their views without undue force.

"One of the founding values of our party is freedom of speech and that should be sacrosanct. We are aware that he wants to force other provinces such as Manicaland to vote in his favour. He has carried the day in Midlands North through sheer force as we speak

“We are a Democratic Party and should be different from ZANU PF. The problem we have is a crisis of leadership and Tsvangirai will not lead us to state power in 2018. We need new hands.”

However, Mangoma's biggest hurdle could be the national executive set to meet later Friday. The group is supposed to decide on whether the issue should be passed on to the national council for a decision.

A national executive member claimed Mangoma would be suspended by the national executive for bringing the party name into disrepute.

Party spokesperson Douglas Mwonzora could not be contacted for comment while Chamisa was not picking up his mobile phone.

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