
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sata has a heart for WP - Litula
By Edwin Mbulo
Sun 26 Jan. 2014, 14:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has a heart for Western Province because he has given the area fast-track development we have never seen in the previous regimes, says Mongu district commissioner Maurice Litula.

And Mongu district which has never had drainage systems will have a new system alongside the K170 million township road rehabilitation project currently going on.

In an interview, Litula said district commissioners in Western Province were working like colonial guards because they want to emulate the work culture of President Sata.

"The President has a heart for Western Province because he has given the area a fast tracked development which we have never seen in the last 40 or 50 years of the previous regimes. Even us district commissioners who are working here, we are working like those old Kapaso's because we need to work like the way the President works. I don't allow myself to be sitted here even an hour if there is something to be done out there because I feel my main office is the community because this is a pro-poor government," Litula said.

He said his major target for 2014 was to ensure that all uncompleted projects funded by the central government and the constituency development funds were completed.

"We will be tirelessly working hard because our main target is to make sure that we fulfill that which was promised and we need to stick to the PF manifesto," he said.

Litula said apart from the drainage system, Mongu now had traffic lights and that a lot more should be done through engagement of traditional leaders.

"We shall engage everybody including the traditional leaders so that they have the information of what the government is doing. It is a very serious issue; where we don't want people to be left behind. Let each and everybody know what we are doing, that is the key. Let us communicate to our people, people want to see us working, not talking, talking is over but action," he said.

On road rehabilitation, Litula said only a distance of nine kilometres could be tackled because of the sandy terrain which required compacting and embankments.

"Independence Avenue which has traffic lights will be done this year; we are doing the roads in phases to allow for smooth flow of traffic.

The access roads to the new stadium site have been done and Zesco are putting electricity lines to the area," said Litula.

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