
Sunday, July 27, 2014

There has been corruption in MMD, admits Kaingu

By Henry Sinyangwe
Tue 21 Jan. 2014, 14:00 CAT

MICHAEL Kaingu says the MMD will never bounce back to power if it remains uncleansed of its previous deeds.

Kaingu who is MMD vice-president for politics and Mwandi member of parliament, said in an interview that there was no way MMD could ever think of getting back to power on the same platform it campaigned in 2011.

"The people of Zambia truly rejected us in 2011 for several reasons and I think one of them was the perception on corruption. The other one was the perception on arrogance, particularly when it came to the enactment of the constitution. Although really on the constitution we were unfairly judged because the process was initiated by President Levy Mwanawasa and it was completed by president Rupiah Banda. It was even taken to Parliament for enactment. Unfortunately, some of our colleagues at the time we were about to enact the constitution, they decided to betray us," said Kaingu, who added that the MMD was renewed.

"For example, I was not the vice-president in 2011, president Mumba was not the MMD president in 2011, and even vice-president Brian Chituwo was not the vice-president. Many positions have changed hands since then and we are asking the people of Zambia to look at the MMD as a rebranded party. Yes, we may not claim to be totally clean, but I think we are trying to renew ourselves from the perception that made us lose the 2011 elections."

He said the MMD would not remain the party that the people rejected in the 2011 general elections.

"We are not saying that we shall remain the MMD that the people of Zambia rejected. Everybody can see that there has been corruption in MMD and there is still corruption in PF," Kaingu said.

And Kaingu said leaders should avoid arrogance, which cost the MMD power in the 2011 general elections.

"We totally condemn arrogance, and the people who have been elected to preside over the welfare of the people must know that the people are the masters. We are privileged to hold the positions we hold and we should not use these positions to try and take undue advantage of the people who have elected us," said.

"I will not hesitate to condemn any misgivings or any misdeed of the PF. I strongly believe that men and women who are elected into these positions are just privileged. If I have demonstrated to the people that I am their master and not their servant, I totally apologise to them."

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