
Sunday, July 27, 2014

UNIP will bounce back - Siame
By Misheck Wangwe in Mumbwa
Sat 18 Jan. 2014, 14:00 CAT

MUMBWA district UNIP chairman Joseph Siame says the former ruling party will one day bounce back to power because it has remained as the only sincere political party among the opposition.

In an interview in Mumbwa on Wednesday, Siame said opposition political parties like the MMD and the UPND cannot be trusted by Zambians because of the treacherous and selfish behaviour they had exhibited over the past years.

He said UNIP in Mumbwa was working towards protecting its supporters from some opposition political parties with no values that were making attempts to steal its members.

"UNIP has been in existence for many years because our forefathers, the founders, Dr Kenneth Kaunda and his comrades formed this party on rich values, on sincere ideologies of selflessness and doing things in the interest of Zambians and not for an individual as we see it in today's politics," Siame said.

"Yes, our popularity over the past years has dwindled due to lack of resources, but I must say that here in Mumbwa, we are working hard to ensure that we become a shining example to members of UNIP in other parts of the country and this is the reason why our offices, despite being old buildings built in 1960, are still operational."

He said UNIP in Mumbwa had refused to work with the UPND or the MMD in future because they were duped in the previous general elections, as its cadres were used to seriously campaign for certain individuals that stood under the two parties, but they were later abandoned.
Siame said UNIP in Mumbwa would continue supporting the progressive developmental ideas that the PF government was implementing in agriculture, road construction and employment creation rather than wasting time interacting with political parties that have no clear vision.

"As UNIP in Mumbwa, we have put our offices on rent and the few resources that we have raised, we have invested in building modern offices, we have so far finished constructing a new block of flats worth K12, 000 and we are spending another K22, 000 on the other building. We are confident that with these projects, we will be able to move a step further in terms of raining the much needed resources for the consolidation of our party," Siame said.

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