
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Defections from PF confirm the party is disintegration - Rainbow

COMMENT - A party from Wynter Kabimba. I want to know what they are going to do with the mines. Seriously.

(POST ZAMBIA) Defections from PF confirm the party is disintegration - Rainbow
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe | Updated: 30 Jun,2015 ,09:42:13

DEFECTIONS of PF members to Rainbow confirm the complete disintegration of the ruling party on one hand and the formation of a formidable and vibrant Rainbow Party, says former PF member from Wusakile Constituency Mubanga Mutale.

Mutale on Sunday led 48 defectors from the PF, five from MMD and three from the UPND in joining the Rainbow Party at a function held at Chamboli Catholic Church Hall.

He said the PF had presided over escalation of unemployment levels, external debt borrowing, stagnation of economy, lack of a clear constitution roadmap and the current weak constitution.

“This momentous occasion exemplifies the aspirations and desires by the Copperbelt residents to foster a change of government next year. These witnessed defections confirm the complete disintegration of PF on one hand and the formation of a formidable and vibrant party; the Rainbow Party,” said Mutale.

Receiving the defectors, Rainbow Copperbelt chairperson Allan Mwewa encouraged all members to intensify membership recruitment to ensure victory next year.

“Rainbow’s socialist agenda would eradicate inequalities by equal distribution of wealth as a way of dismantling capitalist class issues. In the annals of Zambian political history, Wusakili township was critical as during the colonial era, it stimulated change through the likes of Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula. We want that spirit to live on,” said Mwewa.

Rainbow national chairperson for youth affairs McDonald Mulongoti urged all members to espouse party fundamental principles and ideologies by candidly reading and understanding party ideals and explaining to the masses during membership recruitment.

Mulongoti appealed to the youth to get national registration cards and voters cards as tools to cause change of government next year.

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