
Thursday, December 14, 2017

MDC Commits Treason In Washington DC

COMMENT - Real Zimbabweans see through the MDC and their rhodesian handlers like Peter Godwin. They are busy in Washington DC to call for more and continued sanctions against their own country and government, even under the new government of former VP and now President Mnangagwa. Why aren't they arrested for treason the second they set foot back in Zimbabwe? They are making foreign policy in a foreign country, testifying against their own country before foreign legislators, while they are the opposition? - MrK

(YOUTUBE) USA Wanted to Lift Zimbabwe Sanctions, WATCH Tsvangirai Delegation ask for more Pressure on Zim
TV7 Live Zim News and Buzz

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T denies Trump sanctions appeal

THE opposition MDC Alliance has rubbished claims that it urged the United States (US) administration to maintain sanctions against Zimbabwe.

The allegation follows a diplomatic campaign by Alliance officials Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti who are in the US to canvass international support ahead of next year’s crunch elections.

MDC-T spokesperson Obert Gutu said although his party believes the new government should implement political reforms, it does not believe in using sanctions to pressure the Emmerson Mnangagwa-led Harare administration.


(NEWZIMBABWE) Zim sanctions to remain, says US govt

THE Trump administration will maintain sanctions the United States imposed against Zimbabwe despite the change of leadership in Harare, a senior official has confirmed.

Washington imposed a raft of sanctions against Zimbabwe nearly two decades ago supposedly to force then president Robert Mugabe to change course amid allegations of gross human rights abuses and electoral fraud.

Mugabe rejected the allegations, maintaining instead that Harare was being punished for its controversial land reforms which were meant, he argued, to correct historical injustices in ownership of the key resource.



  1. 'Targeted measures' is a weasel word, intended to imply that economic sanctions only extend to and therefore impact government ministers - they mean economic and financial sanctions. The sanctions that destroyed the Zimbabwe Dollar, like ZDERA.

    (NEWZIMBABWE) Mnangagwa: sanctions crippling Zimbabwe

    JUST two days after the US announced that sanctions imposed on Harare would remain in place until the new administration implements political and economic reforms, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has called for the lifting of the targeted measures.

    Mnangagwa, speaking during the Central Committee meeting held in Harare on Thursday, said the sanctions were hampering economic development.

    The US and the European Union nations imposed sanctions on former President Robert Mugabe’s government for gross human rights violations and electoral theft.

    Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe is now ready to re-engage with the international community and start re-building the country’s economy which collapsed more than a decade ago.

    The President re-affirmed his commitment to re-engage with new nations whilst keeping old friends who have given a hand to Zimbabwe during its trying moments (liberation struggle period).

    Sanctions must fall ... President Emmerson Mnangagwa

    “We call for the unconditional lifting of the political and economic sanctions which have crippled our national development. We realize that isolation is not splendid or viable as there is more to gain through solidarity, mutual beneficial partnerships which however, recognise our unique national interests.

    “Government will thus pursue a robust re-engagement process to fully affirm our belonging to the family of nations. The re-engagement strategy will seek to create new relations whilst holding steadfast to those countries that stood by us during our darkest years.

    “In this regard, measures will be put in place to attract foreign investment ensuring that Zimbabwe is a place where capital feels safe. It has already begun,” Mnangagwa said.

    The US government on Tuesday told MDC Alliance principals who were visiting Washington that sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe two decades ago would stay whilst the country monitors Mnangagwa regarding reforms especially the electoral and economic reforms.

    MDC Alliance principals said they were for economic and social reforms, stabilization and international re-engagement that will give Zimbabweans a fighting chance in the crucial and landmark 2018 general elections.

    MDC-T Vice President Nelson Chamisa who is part of the delegation has denied accusations by Zimbabwean government that they have pressured the US not to remove the sanctions against Harare.

  2. COMMENT: CNN at it's most orwellian.

    “The awards programme is open to eligible nominees worldwide, who are citizens of countries other than voided countries (defined below).

    ‘Citizens of voided countries are ineligible to enter or win . . . CNN may determine in its sole discretion at any time during the awards programme that a country is a voided country.”
    So a 'voided country' is a non-country? Are the viewers told that they don't see contestants from certain countries, because they're not allowed to participate?

    (HERALD ZW) United States sanctions rhetoric exposed
    Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter—

    Prominent civil society activist and Africa Union Ambassador on Child Marriages Ms Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda’s overwhelming nomination for the Cable News Network Hero Award came unstuck due to the US sanctions policy on Zimbabwe, exposing the myth the embargo is targeted at Zanu-PF and Government officials.The CNN Hero is a television special created by CNN to honour individuals who make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid and make a difference in their communities.

    Writing on her Facebook wall, Ms Gumbonzvanda, who is the founder of Rozaria Memorial Trust and has won numerous awards in her fight against child marriages said: “Nominated or CNN Hero and considered ineligible because of US position on #Zimbabwe.

    “I extend my profound appreciation to the many Zimbabwean and global friends who put forward my name for consideration this year for the CNN Hero. I will be forever grateful, always, nekusingaperi. On reading the fine print, we discovered that citizens of countries under US sanctions were not eligible for consideration.

    “I felt sad for the many who had worked hard on this nomination. I also felt angry that I was being penalised for crimes committed by others. Any call for sanctions must be restricted to ensure that sanctions are targeted and apply to those who abuse rights and should not extend to ordinary citizens. Best wishes to all the 2017 nominees.”

    Ms Gumbonzvanda could not be reached for comment as she had not responded to various inquiries sent to her, but according to the rules of the competition contained on the CNN website, citizens from “voided countries” are ineligible to enter or win the competition.

    Reads part of the rules: “The awards programme is open to eligible nominees worldwide, who are citizens of countries other than voided countries (defined below).

    ‘Citizens of voided countries are ineligible to enter or win . . . CNN may determine in its sole discretion at any time during the awards programme that a country is a voided country.”

    The voided countries include those sanctioned under the Office of Foreign Assets Control, which listed Zimbabwe, and has intercepted millions of dollars accruing to Zimbabwean companies. Political analyst Tafadzwa Mugwadi said the decision confirmed that sanctions on Zimbabwe were not targeted.

    “The decision smacks of hypocrisy as it confirms the reality of its illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe and the potential of its people. It is quite shameful that the US is still captured in the past at a time when the world is competing to warm and charm our talents and our country,” he said.

    “One would have expected the American civilisation as it were, to rethink its regrettable policies against our country and its people rather than remain stuck in the past,” said Mr Mugwadi.

    The abortion of Ms Gumbonzvanda’s nomination comes at a time the MDC-Alliance has despatched a three-member delegation; comprising Messrs Tendai Biti, Nelson Chamisa and Welshman Ncube; to the United States to urge the Trump administration to maintain its illegal sanctions regime on Zimbabwe.

  3. I would argue that Peter Godwin, by misstating the nature of economic sanctions against Zimbabwe in front of the US Senate, gave the Senate false information and if he was sworn in, perjured himself. - MrK


    (NEWZIMBABWE) Zim sanctions to remain, says US govt

    However, author and pro-democracy activist Peter Godwin, who also served as witnesses before the Senate hearing, insisted sanctions were [not - MrK] responsible for social and economic strife in the country.

    “The sanctions are on an individual basis and have never effectively affected the country though Zanu PF has constantly found an excuse for its failures.”


    If Peter Godwin said that under oath in front of the US Congress' Senate, then he perjured himself.

    Because ZDERA very clearly states that their credit freeze affects the Government of Zimbabwe, twice, not individuals - MrK


    S. 494 (107th): Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001

    " the Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States executive director to each international financial institution to oppose and vote against--

    (1) any extension by the respective institution of any loan, credit, or guarantee to the Government of Zimbabwe; or

    (2) any cancellation or reduction of indebtedness owed by the Government of Zimbabwe to the United States or any international financial institution.

  4. A study from 2000, showing the lying hypocrisy of the MDC when they claim that there were no adverse economic effects from economic sanctions against Zimbabwe:

    The Adverse Consequences of Economic Sanctions
    Review of Further Developments
    in Fields with Which the Subcommission Has Been or May Be Concerned
    The Bossuyt Report
    Economic and Social Council

    June 21, 2000

    B. Burundi

    74. Burundi provides another sad example of the immensely deleterious effects comprehensive economic sanctions can have on all aspects of a society. To quote one study: "Across the various sectors reviewed [poverty, health, agriculture, water, sanitation, education, democracy], the pattern is consistent: serious problems predating sanctions were exacerbated by the imposition of sanctions, which themselves had numerous effects on civilian populations รข€¦ The imposition of economic sanctions worsens an already grim situation, raising serious moral and ethical questions."(61)
