
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

(PATRIOT ZW) Magombeyi’s fake ‘abduction’ …Vanguard fingered

COMMENT - The MDC cannot betray it's origins in the rhodesian security services and their penchant for psychological operations and false flag violence and abductions. Rhodesians like Coltart, Cross, Bennet and Kaye were all over it, and not because they loved democracy any time in their lives. In the early 2000s they committed violence through their Democratic Resistance Committees or DRCs, today they're called Vanguard. - MrK

(PATRIOT ZW) Magombeyi’s fake ‘abduction’ …Vanguard fingered
By admin -October 7, 20190476
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Patriot Reporter

FRESH details have emerged over the so-called ‘abduction’ of Dr Peter Magombeyi.

The 25-year-old Dr Magombeyi, who is also acting president of Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors’ Association (ZHDA), was allegedly ‘abducted’ at his home in Budiriro on September 14 2019.

And five days later, Dr Magombeyi surfaced in Nyabira, a few kilometres from the American Embassy.

A source who has close links to the MDC Alliance revealed that in those five days, Dr Magombeyi was housed at Number 64 Palmer Road in Milton Park.

The property is a lodge, Saita Safaris, and reportedly owned by MDC Alliance vice-president Tendai Biti.

“Dr Magombeyi was at 64 Palmer Road in Milton Park, nzvimbo iyoyo ilodge asi irikushandiswa sesafe house, chero Jacob Mafume naObey Sithole vanotogara ipapo (the place is a lodge which has been turned into a safe house for MDC activists including Jacob Mafume and Obey Sithole,” said the source who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of victimisation.

According to the source, Dr Magombeyi was taken by Vanguard leader Shakespear Mukoyi and one Bunjira.

When The Patriot visited the lodge, the gate was locked.

There was a sign: ‘Gate locked please ring bell’ and ‘Please do not hoot, press intercom’.

But there was no intercom or bell to ring.

The news crew had to knock for 10 minutes before someone attended to the gate.

Striking about the place is the huge precast wall and electric gate.

Inside and out, there is no signage of the name of the lodge.

Only the brown uniforms of housekeepers had a badge bearing the name of the lodge: Saita Lodges.

The news crew caught a glimpse of an EcoCash payment method with the number 0785 832 700. However the housekeepers said they no longer received ecocash payments as their EcoCash line had been blocked.

The EcoCash number is registered to one Winnie Manungo.

Vanguard behind the abductions?

Leaked MDC standing committee minutes revealed that MDC Alliance is reportedly militarily training its youth.

MDC standing committee is the party’s highest decision making body.

The meeting was held on September 18 2018 from 10hr to 13:45hr.

The party’s treasurer-general, David Coltart, was recorded at the meeting calling on the party to make their youths ‘more militant’.

And it is our understanding that there is a team of MDC Alliance youths scheduled to receive military training in Mozambique nex week.

There are reports that the MDC Alliance recently bought 47 unlicensed guns; FA and pistol type.

The MDC Vanguard has a history of violence.

Sometime in 2002, the MDC formed what they called the Democratic Resistance Committee (DRC), a group that was being trained militarily to cause mayhem on innocent people in the name of ‘regime change’.

White farmers then shared spaces on their farms to train these youths and this training was being allegedly led by the late Roy Bennett (late ex-MP).

The DRC morphed into the Vanguard.

Anyone who underestimated the nature of the militancy of the MDC did so at his/her own peril.

And Vangaurd is led by Mukoyi, the same person who is said to have ‘abducted’ Dr Magombeyi.

Who is Shakespear Mukoyi?

Mukoyi is an MDC Alliance member and leader of the MDC Alliance’s militia known as the Vanguard.

For long, MDC Alliance would deny the existence of Vanguard until last year in May when Mukoyi let the cat out of the bag.

The youth militia is known for ‘carrying an AK 47 and threatening to kill his rivals with it’. Running to the 2018 primary elections in the MDC Alliance, Mukoyi threatened to ‘kill Hwende’ if he (Mukoyi) was not elected House of Assembly Member for Kuwadzana East.

Charlton Hwende was running for the same seat.

Hwende took to facebook to raise alarm after being threatened with death by Mukoyi.

“I received disturbing news that my opponent was moving around with a gun threatening to shoot me. I am mentioning it here so that if anything happens to me people will know what happened to me,” he wrote.

Mukoyi claimed the constituency had apparently been given to him by the party’s presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa, as a ‘token of appreciation’ after

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he helped him ascend to the party’s presidency.

He helped Chamisa by carrying out acts of violence on Thokozani Khupe.

In 2017, in Bulawayo, members of the Vanguard were implicated in violence at that party’s offices where Khupe and her supporters were holding a meeting.

In February 2018, at the late Morgan Tsvangirai’s burial in Buhera, members of the group allegedly tried to set, on fire, a hut where Khupe and other MDC-T leaders had sought refuge.

The following month, the group was fingered, again, in acts of violence at that party’s offices in Bulawayo.

And, indeed, Mukoyi succeeded in pushing Chamisa to power through violence.

It is reported the gun-wielding Mukoyi slept in a hall where primaries were supposed to be held and threatened to ‘kill someone’ if he was not elected MP.

He is said to have declared that he had already won and no voting would take place, forcing the cancellation of the primary elections.

Mukoyi reportedly vowed he would not allow Chamisa to ‘dump him now after all he has done for him’.

Mukoyi is widely believed to have been Chamisa’s henchman and enforcer ever since the latter took over the reins at the opposition party.

And Hwende also confirmed on his facebook page that the primaries had been disrupted by the Vanguard; posting: “I would like to let you know that our primary election in Kuwadzana east was stopped by the so called vanguard youths led by their leader who was my opponent in the election…I hope the party will look into this matter as my safety is now a matter of concern.”

Ironically, the MDC-Alliance leadership, including Hwende, have all along been claiming the Vanguard is not a violent grouping despite repeated attacks on former MDC-T deputy president, Thokozani Khupe.

On April 9 2017, Mukoyi was arrested and charged for allegedly assaulting a police officer, Emmanuel Jeketera, with clenched fists and booted feet in Glen Norah but was later acquitted at the Mbare Magistrates’ Courts.

Mukoyi was arrested during a church service to pray for peace at the Nazarene Church in Glen Norah.

Prosecutors alleged Jeketera suffered a swollen lower lip and lacerations of the lower lip as a result of the assault.

He has a pending case of carrying an AK-47 during the January disturbances this year.

A litany of violence

At the Chatham House, MDC was built on the philosophy of violence as one of the key strategies for effecting regime change.

In 2000, Tsvangirai was quoted on BBC programme of September 30 saying:
“If you (President Mugabe) do not want to go peacefully, we will remove you violently.”

In 2005, Paul Temba Nyathi of the other MDC made this assessment: “Tsvangirai’s followers seem to be saying to themselves that they can win elections by beating people and by using the crudest methods of intimidation.”

And on July 3 2005, a meeting was held in Bulawayo between the Bulawayo Agenda (BA) and its sponsors the Konrad Adeneur Foundation of Germany (KAD).
It is at that meeting KAD told the BA that they would no longer fund organs which ‘concentrated on talk shows’.

However, they would readily fund ‘brave’ organisations that engage in demonstrations to remove the Government from power.

KAD made it clear that money would be availed only to programmes of confrontation.

In pursuant to the funder’s request, in 2007, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) raided Harvest House, the MDC headquarters.

They recovered 2 000 sharp and piercing objects used in making incendiary bombs, two shortwave radios, 43 Zimbabwe passports with South Africa visa application forms, eight loud hailers, 104 spray guns, propaganda videos and cassettes.

This was just the beginning as the ZRP were to be swamped with reports of political violence, some turning into murder cases.

For example, the killing of Police Inspector Petros Mutedzi in Glen View 3, Harare, in May 2011.

In March 2007 alone, the MDC youths were credited with committing some of the most violent crimes listed below as can be confirmed by police records:

λ March 12: Petrol bombing of Zimbabwe Republic Police, Unit N Police Camp in Chitungwiza.

λ March 13: Petrol bombing of ZANU PF branch chairman’s house in Unit L, Chitungwiza.

λ March 13: A Zimbabwe National Army member and flea market vendors were assaulted by MDC youths.

λ March 13: Petrol bombing of Nehanda Police Post in Mkoba, Gweru.

λ March 14: Four MDC youths petrol-bombed a police officer’s house at Marimba Park Police Station, seriously injuring three female officers.

λ March 18: Petrol bombing of House Number 11 Zanu Yotonga Street, in Zengeza, Chitungwiza, on wrong intelligence that it belonged to a ZANU PF councillor of the area.

λ March 19: A crossborder Toyota Coaster (AAZ 3976) ferrying shoppers from Botswana was stoned and burned at Kuwadzana roundabout along Bulawayo Road, the list is endless.

λ March 23: Petrol bombing of Chisamba Police Station in Sakubva, Mutare.

λ March 23: House Number 2002 Gwinyai Street, St Mary’s, was petrol bombed. The house belonged to a ZANU PF district treasurer.

λ March 24: Muchada Supermarket and Pfukwa Night Club in Warren Park D were petrol bombed. The owner is a well-known ZANU PF member.

λ March 27: Petrol bombing of ZANU PF’s Joshua Nkomo offices in Mbare, Harare, by five MDC youths destroying all the furniture in the process.

λ March 29: House number 6847 Western Triangle, Highfields, was bombed believing it belonged to a ZNA member when it did not.

λ March 30: Petrol bombing of Gumbas Wholesalers on Leopold Takawira Street.

λ March 30: A Mazda B2500 pick-up (647-515V) belonging to a ZANU-PF supporter was petrol bombed at Current Shopping Centre in Budiriro 5.

λ April 3: ZINASU petrol bombed UZ Complexes One and Four dining halls, shattering all windows. The roof collapsed following the attack.

The above cases are an indication that violence is in the MDC’s DNA.

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