
Friday, March 16, 2007

Katumbi invites task force to DRC

Katumbi invites task force to DRC
By Webster Malido
Friday March 16, 2007 [02:00]

DEMOCRATIC Republic of Congo (DRC) Katanga Province governor, Moses Katumbi, has now invited Task Force on Corruption chairman Maxwell Nkole to travel to the DRC to interview him over his alleged corruption cases in Zambia. In a telephone interview from Lubumbashi on Wednesday, Katumbi said he was ready to send a plane to Zambia for Nkole to travel to the DRC so that he could have an opportunity to interview him over any matters related to the alleged corruption cases.

"If Mr Nkole wants to come, he is free because I am not hiding anything and I don't know anything he is talking about. He can come here (in the DRC) and the Zambian embassy can protect him," Katumbi said. "I will give him security right from the border to come and interview me in Katanga. He is welcome, I am inviting him to come and interview me because Zambia and Congo are sister countries. We are working together on the relations of these two countries. “I respect the President of Zambia and I respect President Kabila. I have already been sworn-in by President Kabila two weeks ago and I am already working now. I was elected three times by the people.”

He said he was ready to answer any questions that the Task Force on Corruption had for him because he was not above the law. “If there is any allegation, he (Nkole) can come. If he doesn’t have money to travel, I can send him even a plane to come and pick him,” Katumbi proposed. “If he doesn’t trust a plane from Congo, he can charter a plane for which I can reimburse. If he needs to ask me questions, he can come. He can come and I am going to ensure that he is going to be protected. I am inviting him to come and interview me in Katanga. I am ready to answer the questions because I don’t know what he is saying. But I don’t have anything to hide.”

Katumbi further said he would be coming to Zambia soon over bilateral talks between Zambia and the DRC government. Katumbi left Zambia in 2002 and has been pursued by the Task Force on Corruption in connection with a series of cases involving restricted properties such as MCK dump mining trucks on the Copperbelt, Mansa Milling, Tamba Bashila, among others.

The Task Force says Katumbi's cases are still active in the High Court where ownership is being contested. The Task Force has also been conducting criminal investigations pertaining to Katumbi's alleged involvement in the K53 billion maize deal, part of which was allegedly diverted for his (Katumbi's) private use.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Moise we just need you to refund zambia the money you owe it, if youre not happy about it getting in GRZ funds, pse a new pontoon, a retouch on the roads and a clean up at the hospital in mansa suerly, brotherhood should not only be on paper and when needs be.
    then as your family we will fight for the constitution to change and for a better transparency on how maize and arms are bought and sold in Zambia.
    Whilst you are at it, maybe supporting a football club in zed would do too!
    300mill + dollars cmon its poss.
    thanx to your net addiction you'll read this!!!!!!
