
Friday, March 16, 2007

Zambia likely to have good harvest - WFP

Zambia likely to have good harvest - WFP
By David Silwamba
Friday March 16, 2007 [02:00]

THE World Food Programme (WFP) has indicated that Zambia is likely to have a good harvest. According to a press release issued by the WFP southern Africa regional office in Johannesburg, the United Nations food agency stated that despite the erratic weather pattern in the region, countries such as Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique were likely to have a good harvest. "Despite the erratic weather, Malawi is expected to yield a bumper harvest again this year, while Zambia and northern Mozambique are also likely to produce good harvests that will represent buying opportunities for WFP as in previous years," the WFP stated. "Crops are usually harvested during April and May."

However, the WFP observed that Southern Africa could be headed for another year of critical food shortages. "For some parts of the region, it's simply too late to hope that a late burst of rainfall will change people's food supply outlook for the year ahead," stated WFP Southern Africa regional director Amir Abdulla. “We are watching the region very closely to see what assistance may be needed to help the poorest and most vulnerable people through the months ahead. Assessments need to be carried out as soon as possible to determine the impact agricultural losses may have on these groups, but already the early indications for several countries are alarming.”

The WFP stated that even without the additional challenges that would be posed by widespread erratic harvests in southern Africa, the United Nations food agency faced a funding shortfall of about US$97 million for current operations through to the end of 2007. The WFP noted that parts of Angola, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia had been struck by devastating floods that had destroyed tens of thousands of hectares of crops during the most critical growing stage. It stated that in contrast, Lesotho, Namibia, southern Mozambique, and much of Swaziland and large swathes of Zimbabwe's cropland had all been affected by prolonged dry spells that had withered and killed crops or reduced their development.

"Since 2004, harvests in southern Africa have generally improved due to better weather patterns and the broader availability of seeds and fertilisers. As a result, the number of people requiring food aid has steadily declined. However, due to chronic poverty and nine of the ten highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world, food security in southern Africa remains precarious, requiring WFP to currently assist 4.3 million people."

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