
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chirundu OSBP at will help curb corruption - Mwansa

Chirundu OSBP at will help curb corruption - Mwansa
By Fridah Zinyama
Thursday June 21, 2007 [04:00]

ZAMBIA Revenue Authority (ZRA) commissioner general Chriticles Mwansa has said the setting up of the One Stop Border Post (OSBP) at Chirundu will help to curb corruption. In an interview on Monday, Mwansa said the bottlenecks at Chirundu border post had led to an increase in corruption cases.

“There is a lot of collaboration that goes on between personnel and customers and a lot of figures are fidgeted (fictitious) hence denying government its rightful revenue,” Mwansa said. “The OSBP will also help to increase efficiency and will help cut on corruption cases.”

He said congestion at the border post had been a major contributor of corruption and improvement in efficiency would help to curb the vice.

“Because of the improvement that would be created in service provision, we are confident that this investment will be able to attract other investors,” Mwansa said.
On Tuesday, commerce Minister Felix Mutati said that Zambia expected to increase its revenue by 25 per cent when the One Stop Border Project at Chirundu finally became operational this year.

At the official opening of the OSBP steering committee meeting between Zambia and Zimbabwe, Mutati said intra-regional trade has grown consistently by 20 per cent per annum in value terms since the launch of the COMESA free trade area in 2000.
He said this increase had led to the rise in trade issues affecting both large and small enterprises including the movement of people and goods.

Mutati said Zambia was raising about K70 billion per month at Chirundu.

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