
Friday, June 22, 2007

KK opposes referendum

KK opposes referendum
By Brighton Phiri
Friday June 22, 2007 [04:00]

DR Kenneth Kaunda has opposed the government's proposed referendum over the constituent assembly. Dr Kaunda has since declared that he would vote for a constituent assembly, should the government decide to waste resources on the referendum instead of reserving the much-needed funds for poverty reduction and HIV/AIDS.

In an interview, Dr Kaunda said there was no justification for government to waste money on a referendum when the Mung'omba Constitution Review Commission (CRC) had recommended a much cheaper process of establishing a constituent assembly.

"Let us reserve that money for AIDS, TB, Malaria, orphans and education for our poor children. We can use that money to improve the schools, clinics in our rural areas," Dr Kaunda said. "I will protest by way of voting for a constituent assembly if government decides to do the wrong thing. I will help to do the right with my vote."

Dr. Kaunda said it was sad that government had decided to spend huge sums of money to de-campaign a constituent assembly at a time when there were no drugs and medical equipment in hospitals, no teachers in schools and its citizens were dying from poverty-related illnesses.

"We should begin to move towards doing the right things for all of us," he said.
Dr Kaunda wondered why government had decided to kick off the referendum debate when Zambians had already spoken through the CRC.

"What are we waiting for? Why are we not implementing what the CRC recommended? Why don't we go by Mung'omba Commission recommendations?" Dr Kaunda asked.
Dr Kaunda said there was something in those who embraced the Church, Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) and Non-Government Organisations Co-ordinating Council (NGOCC) position of avoiding a costly referendum, because they truly represented the majority's views.

He said it was important that government recognised the Oasis Forum's voice as that of the people.

"Who can challenge the church's representation?" Dr Kaunda asked.
Dr Kaunda advised Zambians to move away from doing things that could be seen by the governed as tricks.

He urged Zambians to contribute towards the constitution-making process by being clear on their positions.

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