
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Bush, blair separation is a blessing - KK

Bush, blair separation is a blessing - KK
By Brighton Phiri
Tuesday July 03, 2007 [23:00]

THE separation of US President George Bush and former British prime minister Tony Blair is a blessing for humanity, Dr Kaunda has said. Commenting on former British finance minister Gordon Brown's appointment as Britain's new Prime Minister, Dr Kaunda said the two 'Bs' (Bush and Blair) contributed to global chaos and human catastrophe when they chose to invade Iraq without convincing reasons.

"The separation of the two Bs is the beginning of something positive for the human race. The two Bs confused the global situation by invading Iraq," Dr Kaunda said. "We are now seeing Sunnis killing Shiites...I hope with one of the Bs gone, we shall enjoy peace."

Dr Kaunda questioned Blair's appointment as special peace envoy for the Middle East. "I don't know whether his appointment is a curse or blessing," Dr Kaunda said.

Dr Kaunda said he would write Prime Minister Brown a congratulatory letter and advise him on the importance of global peace.

He urged Prime Minister Brown to take keen interest in resolving the Iraq invasion and strained relationship between the British government and Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe government.

"I expect him to give us a relief on the Zimbabwe crisis. May Prime Minister Brown make his own start for the good of global human race," Dr Kaunda said.

He said the invasion of Iraq, assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and incapacitation of ailing Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon had contributed to the global village's current sad situation.

"We are in a situation where Hamas are in the position of saying they will not recognise Israel...worst still the two Bs chose to fight Hamas...for how long will they fight Hamas?" Dr Kaunda asked.

He said the global leadership should see the problem in the Middle East as a century conflict, which required sober and impartial attention.
"Our brothers in Hamas must help us all by accepting to live in harmony with Israelis," he said.

On June 27, Brown became Britain's new Prime Minister after Blair handed his formal resignation to Queen Elizabeth II.

Blair has since been appointed as a Middle East peace envoy.
Blair became prime minister in 1997 after 18 years of Conservative government and after leading Labour to the biggest parliamentary majority for half a century with a strong public mandate for change.

His popularity rating dropped considerably mainly because of his decision to support President Bush in his invasion of Iraq.

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