
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

West won’t succeed on Zim - Msika

West won’t succeed on Zim - Msika
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Tuesday July 03, 2007 [22:00]

ZIMBABWE must continue to exercise its sovereign right over its land and natural resources, Vice-President Joseph Msika has said. And Vice-President Msika said Zimbabweans that are accomplices in Western machinations to derail government’s plans to turn around the economy were traitors and a disgrace to the nation.

Meanwhile, Vice-President Msika advised business houses that are resisting to comply with the directive to reverse price hikes to close their shops before the government does it for them.

Addressing mourners during the burial of Major-General Gideon Lifa at the National Heroes acre on Monday, Vice-President Msika said Zimbabweans must continue to defend their independence and sovereignty by uniting in defence of their own values and national interests against outside interference.

“It is our belief in freedom, justice and self-determination, that should spur us onto sacrifice for our nation. We must continue to exercise our sovereign right over land and our natural resources over which we have earned the wrath of Britain, which continues to lobby the international community to isolate Zimbabwe politically and economically. We must refuse to surrender to the colonial enemy who in a state of desperation is employing every dirty trick they can come up with to derail our economy in the vain hope of bringing down our government,” Vice-President Msika said.

He said some Zimbabweans were accomplices in those Western machinations to derail government’s plans to turn around the economy.

“Such people are sellouts and traitors of our revolution and a disgrace to the nation. Let me take this opportunity to warn these economic saboteurs that time is up for them to mend their wayward behavior by curbing their unbridled greed, corruption and self-enrichment at the expense of the majority of our people,” Vice-President Msika said. “We have been following closely how some in industry and commerce have sought to derail the economic turnaround process, rampant price hikes of not only basic commodities, but now of virtually every product they bring onto the market. These unscrupulous business people should take heed that this time around we mean business. Government will not brook any attempts to thwart its efforts to correct this undesirable state of affairs.”

Vice-President Msika said the events of the past week were deplorable.
“Government issued a directive to retailers ordering them to reduce prices on all goods and services using the prices obtaining as at June 18 as the benchmark, and what did some unscrupulous manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers do?” Vice-President Msika asked. “They removed most locally manufactured products from the shelves to create artificial shortages and left imported products whose prices are highly inflated and beyond the reach of many of our people. Others we are told have stopped manufacturing the products altogether to try and thwart government efforts to bring sanity to the economy.”

He said there was no going back on government’s decision to revise price hikes.
“If anything, government wants to see them further reduced. Our friendly advice to those who do not want to comply with the directive is that they should please close shop or else we are going to do it for them,” Vice-President Msika said.
Vice-President Msika warned that those found on the wrong side of the law would be punished severely.

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