
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Police arrest Mohan for allegedly swindling bank

Police arrest Mohan for allegedly swindling bank
By Noel Sichalwe
Thursday August 09, 2007 [04:01]

LUSAKA businessman Matthew Mohan has been arrested for allegedly obtaining about US $110,000 by false pretences. Mohan, who is also InkTech managing director, has been arrested together with his lawyer Chongo Musonda, his financial manager Paulos Chilembo and secretary Sharon Phiri.

According to police sources, Mahon has been detained in police custody for the last two weeks while Musonda, Chilembo and Phiri were arrested last Friday.

Sources said Mohan was alleged to have obtained a loan of US $110,000 from First Alliance Bank in two separate amounts of US $80,000 and US $30,000. Mahon is said to have engaged Musonda to represent him and also witnessed the receipt of the money.

Police sources said Musonda has been jointly charged with Mohan on the basis that he appended his signature as a lawyer acting for his client when getting the money from the bank.

However, police sources have said they could not release the quartet on bond because there were instructions from State House.
"After Musonda's relatives persisted that they wanted a police bond since the charge was bailable, they were told that there were instructions from State House not to issue any bond," the source said.
According to sources, on July 15, 2007 police searched Musonda's house with a warrant indicating that they were looking for drugs, firearms, forged documents and date stamps. The source said police were looking for properties suspected to have been stolen. However, the police did not find anything relating to what was on the search warrant and ended up picking some documents that were remote to the matter they were dealing with.

The sources said at that time, Mohan had travelled to India on a private visit and police told Musonda, Chilembo and Phiri not to disclose anything relating to the investigations because they were

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