
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Police deny Oasis demonstration permit

Police deny Oasis demonstration permit
By Noel Sichalwe and Masuzyo Chakwe
Thursday August 09, 2007 [04:01]

POLICE in Lusaka has denied Oasis Forum and the Collaborative Group on the Constitution (CGC) permission to demonstrate over the constitution making process during next week's SADC heads of state summit in Lusaka.

Acting Lusaka division police commanding officer Kedrick Zombe has informed Oasis Forum that he had a shortage of officers to monitor the demonstration. Zombe has since proposed July 21, 2007 as an alternative day for the Oasis to hold the demonstration.

But Oasis Forum spokesperson Musa Mwenye yesterday said he sympathised with the police officers because they were acting under political pressure. Mwenye said Oasis Forum and CGC members were all law abiding citizens. He said he was happy that the police have finally given a response, unlike the ministers that were making political statements on the planned demonstrations.
"I don't know how genuine the police are in this response but I sympathise with them because they are acting under political pressure," he said.

He said demonstrations on August 21, could not be possible because that would be after the SADC summit which they were targeting. Mwenye said the Oasis Forum and the CGC would have a meeting where they would decide the way forward.

The Oasis Forum and CGC have planned a demonstration during the SADC heads of state summit to urge other regional leaders to help Zambia resolve the constitutional problem.

Last month, home affairs minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha said the Oasis Forum should leave the SADC heads of state alone. Foreign affairs minister Mundia Sikatana also said the constitution-making process was an internal issue that should be left to the Zambians.

Later chief government spokesperson Mike Mulongoti said the Oasis Forum and CGC were free to picket SADC heads of state, as long as they would abide by the law.

But justice minister George Kunda on Sunday said the Oasis Forum's planned demonstrations were unnecessary at present as the government was putting in place the National Constitutional Conference Bill to adopt the new constitution.

He said proponents and organisers of demonstrations, chaos and strikes would be held responsible for any damage to property, loss of life or lawlessness, which would occur during demonstrations.
Kunda said it was unfortunate that the Oasis Forum and "those bent on derailing the constitutional review process" intended to demonstrate against government during the SADC heads of state summit next week.

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