
Saturday, September 29, 2007

(HERALD) Assembly hails progress in addressing Zim’s challenges

Assembly hails progress in addressing Zim’s challenges
Herald Reporter

THE African, Caribbean and Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly has welcomed the progress that has been made by Zimbabwe in its efforts to find solutions to the challenges the country is facing. The assembly, which held its session in Brussels, Belgium, from September 10 to 15, was briefed on the mediation efforts that have been going on.

Sadc, represented by Zambia, tabled a report to the session and outlined what South African President Thabo Mbeki had done to mediate between the two major political parties, Zanu-PF and MDC.

The mediation efforts have since seen the unanimous passage of the Constitutional Amendment Bill Number 18 that seeks to harmonise presidential and parliamentary elections, starting from next year.

Head of the Zimbabwe delegation to the session, Chitungwiza Senator Forbes Magadu (Zanu-PF), said the assembly requested that it be briefed again on progress during its next session in Kigali, Rwanda, in November.

"Zambia, which is the current chair of Sadc, apprised the JPA in detail of recent developments and I also explained to the assembly, developments that have been taking place here.

"None among the members present raised any objection to what was presented, as they were all satisfied with the current efforts," said Sen Magadu. The whole meeting noted and appreciated progress on the Zimbabwe situation and they asked us to update them in our next meeting in Kigali in November."

Sen Magadu hailed members of his delegation, particularly Kuwadzana Member of Parliament Mr Nelson Chamisa (MDC), in demonstrating maturity.

The other member of the delegation was Chirumanzu-Kwekwe Senator Vongai Muchengeti (Zanu-PF).

The assembly wanted to know events leading to the assault early this year of Mr Chamisa at Harare International Airport while on his way to another ACP-EU meeting.

He said Mr Chamisa explained to the assembly what happened.

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