
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Xavier Chungu seeks asylum in Mozambique

Xavier Chungu seeks asylum in Mozambique
By Amos Malupenga
Saturday September 29, 2007 [04:00]

Fugitive former intelligence chief Xavier Chungu has been spotted in Mozambique where he has applied for asylum through the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). UNHCR sources in Mozambique’s capital Maputo disclosed during the week that Chungu’s application had since been forwarded to that country’s authorities for consideration.

“Mr Chungu has been here for sometime now and is awaiting feedback from the government on his application for asylum,” the source said.

“But this process might be complicated because we also hear that the Zambian government has gotten wind of this development and are negotiating with the government here to ensure that Mr Chungu is extradited to Zambia for prosecution on those allegations of plunder of your national resources during the time he served in the intelligence.”

And when reached for comment, UNHCR representative to Mozambique – Victoria Akyeampong – who is believed to be pushing for Chungu’s application with authorities there said: “No, that is not true. He is not here. He was here but now he is in South Africa. That is what I hear.”

But when reminded that information that Chungu had applied for asylum through her office was very authentic, Akyeampong replied in a rather unfriendly tone: “Look, these are confidential matters, all right! Journalists should not be involved in these confidential matters. Maybe this just confirms issues of persecution and other things. How can you be involved in someone’s confidential matters?

“And let me advise you, legally you are not supposed to be involved in these confidential matters and I am not supposed to give you any information on this because it is confidential.

But what I can tell you as a fact is that he (Chungu) has not been granted any refugee status here because this is done by the government, not us. And you know Mr Chungu is senior man so things have to be dealt with at that level, not our level. I hope I have been helpful to you.”

Efforts to get comments from Mozambique’s foreign affairs minister Dr Alcinda Abreu proved futile as he was said to be out of the country.

Similar efforts to contact Zambia’s foreign affairs minister Kabinga Pande failed because he has accompanied President Mwanawasa to New York for the United Nations summit.

But the source said Chungu’s application has reached an advanced stage because it was now before Mozambique’s justice minister Dr Esperanca Machavale for legal advice before a decision is pronounced.

Chungu fled Zambia about three years ago following allegations of plunder of national resources during the 10 years he served as intelligence chief.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Should we really be encouraging thefts of great magnitudes in empoverished Africa...?
