
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Chiawa councillor calls for growth

Chiawa councillor calls for growth
By Post Reporter
Saturday September 08, 2007 [04:00]

A CIVIC leader in Chiawa area of Kafue district has called on government to closely supervise its departments in the district and encourage them to take developmental programmes to rural area instead of concentrating on urban areas. Chiawa ward councillor, Boniface Chiawa, observed that many government departments in Kafue are not making efforts to provide services in rural parts of the district and are only working in urban areas.

Chiawa was speaking during the official opening of a one-day workshop for Chiawa women in entrepreneurship skills and literacy training organised by the Ministry of Community Development yesterday.

He said that poverty levels were high in rural areas and this is where development must be directed to. Chiawa said women should thank government through the Department of Community Development that it is able to come up with training programmes aimed at empowering them.

He said Chiawa has few women clubs and organisations and many villagers are ignorant of how they can go about them. Chiawa urged the women to use the knowledge and skills to be gained to develop the area and improve their livelihood.

He called on the women to register their clubs with the local authority so that they can start accessing developmental funds. And Kafue District Community Development officer, Ngawa Kambani, disclosed that her office has since trained 200 women throughout Kafue from January to date in entrepreneural skills. - ZANIS

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